Thursday, March 15, 2012

Zombie Fodder

(Source: regalthreads)
If I was on The Waking Dead, my character wouldn't even have a name. I would be Zombie Victim #6.

If the Zombie Apocalypse happened right now, I'd be the fat guy from Zombieland running on the football field getting taken down by a zombie. I would be the person kept around because if our group was attacked, they would have a chance to get away while the zombies are tearing into me. Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg's character) was right. Rule #1 - Cardio

Can you guess how my first run session went?

Today was a strides, or sprints, workout. The plan is to alternate walking one minute and running one minute for nine minutes for a warm up. Then sprint (at not quite your max speed) for 100yds, walk back then run again, repeating for 4-6 times. Finally a cool down of brisk walking for 5 minutes.

The first ten minutes was a pathetic struggle for me. I'd say the first run minute went okay. I was pretty winded but I made the whole minute, after that I have to be honest, I barely made it 30 or 40 seconds before I thought my lungs would explode. Now understand I only had to run 4 minutes total to begin, not even all together. Pathetic. So obviously I took more than one minute to catch my breath before I started the sprints.

The sprints went better than the walk/run did. I think its because it didn't take me a whole minute to sprint (stride) the 100 yards. I ran or at least jogged in a fast like manner for the 100 yards. I walked back to my starting point like a doomed man walks to the gallows, sadly and slowly. I felt awful. But instead of quitting after 4 (remember I had to do 4-6) I forced myself to do one more and did 5 sprints.

As I was doing my 5 minute cool down - a.k.a. my slow, extra long, shameful walk to the car - a woman who was walking the track with a rolling walker smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I gave her a weak smile and thanked her, telling her she was looking good and moving faster then I was. She laughed and told me that she was in a wheelchair for many years and that it doesn't matter how fast she moves, just that she can and she does. I congratulated her and told her to keep up the good work and told me to do the same.

In my head I thought, what good work? My face was red, my right foot had a weird side cramp, and I was breathing like someone who was hyperventilating. But I guess she was right. I can move and I did all the moving my body allowed, so I guess I can count today as a win.

Today I declare the 3 mile run portion of my TRI, my nemesis. That way, when I finish, I can feel like a super hero.

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up! You've motivated me to start taking the stairs at work, fyi. I kept saying I would, and so I did the past two days (I'm on the 6th floor.) There is an old guy who is retiring in 3 months in my office who takes the stairs. It used to make me feel lame to take the elevator, but I always came up with some excuse (back pain, shin splints). Now I just keep thinking of how awesome you are, training for a triathlon! You've empowered me. Hopefully I can make it to the office without huffing and puffing in a few weeks. Thanks for the updates =D and keep 'em coming.
