Sunday, March 25, 2012

So Far, So Good

Well, it's been a few days and I have to say training is going according to plan. Out of the last 14 days I have worked out on twelve of them. Yay!

I also made a big step yesterday. I went back to Weight Watchers.

Because It Works
The slogan is an accurate one. It does work. If you work the program, the program works for you. Honestly, I have this pipe dream goal of maybe becoming a meeting leader one day. Of course, I have a substantial amount of weight to lose so perhaps that will be a long term goal.

It's more about little victories. Like dragging my ass out of bed or pushing through a tough sprint. Today I had a little victory. While doing a 20 min walk/run on the treadmill I noticed I had run (well, fastly jogged) a whole minute and I wasn't dead. I didn't even feel like my lungs would explode or that familiar cramp on my right side gut. I can tell you I had the biggest smile on my face, grinning like an idiot - I was. The run walk portion only lasted 10 minutes. 5 run/5walk. I know it's not a lot in the grand scheme of a 3 mile run (I only ended up at 1.4 miles after 20 mins) but I didn't feel like a was struggling with the running until my last minute, but even then I got through the whole minute! Woo!

Tomorrow starts week 3 and I have a bunch of 2 sport workouts to do but I feel confident and excited to start this new week. I'm also excited to see what my results will be on Saturday, training and tracking with WW will hopefully yield some decent results. We shall see!


  1. This is awesome Carrie!! I just read through all your posts. They are very funny AND inspiring!! Keep up the good work :). I'll be following you on here for sure.

  2. Hey Carrie! It's so great to hear you're still keeping up with the plan. While the workouts may not get easier, you are getting so much stronger, and pretty soon getting up in the morning will be routine. If you ever need a little bit of extra motivation, just pretend I'm sitting on your front porch asking you to get up and go with me. We will get up and go somewhere very soon.

    I am planning on heading to Chicago the week before a friends wedding in Ohio on 7 July. Maybe we can hit up a 5K (~3 miles) run/walk that week? Let me know if you're interested and I'll try and find one.

  3. Thank you for the encouragement! I wish you were still here, you never let us sit around doing nothing! And Heck yeah that would be awesome. Pick one and I'll be there!
