Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Focus on Nutrition Time

... starting Thursday...

I've followed the plan in the book 100% so far. I actually worked out 7 days in a row. Hooray for little victories, I've never done that before. I took Monday off and got back into it today. But training isn't just about the workouts. I have to start really considering what I'm eating. So, tomorrow is my birthday. I've decided that's a silly day to start eating well. Especially when you have reservations at Hamada - no one can resist those noodles, they're awesome. So change starts Thursday.

When people make changes or resolutions for the year, they usually do it on the first of the year. Well I say "Suck it" (DX style of course) to those cliche resolutioners. ((If you are a resolutioner I apologize, I'm sure you are doing great)) I am going to make a change starting March 22. I am going to make my 25th year my best so far. When I turn 26 I am going to do it in style as a healthier, stronger, and more physically fit person.

I know that week 2 is a bit early to declare a love of triathlon. I mean I haven't actually done an event yet, but I can really see myself getting into this. If, excuse me, when I make it through training and complete the event I can't just go back to doing nothing. So I think I'd like to do a couple sprint tri's next year and just keep training. Some people do a "tri season" and do a tri a month during the summer. I know I'm getting ahead of myself, so I'll just have to see how #1 goes and then go from there.

There is a chapter in each book I got on triathlons that focuses on nutrition. I'm going to read over them again and gather information. I'm not sure, though, that I need to eat like an athlete yet. I did find success with Weight Watchers last year. I lost and kept off 25 lbs for more than half the year and because I thought I didn't need meetings anymore, I gained a little more than half of it back. I'm embarrassed to admit it but admitting to a problem is half the battle. I have a problem with food and I'm working on it. Sometimes I wish I could hire someone to stand next to me and slap food out of my hand. Any takers? I can pay you in books...

I have to be my own solution. I can't expect someone else to do my workouts and regulate what I eat. I have to do that and I will do that. When I turn 26 I will be a triathlete and I will be stronger (hopefully emotionally as well as physically) and I will be half way through my degree program at Trinity. I can't wait to put 24 behind me and I look forward to who I will be when I celebrate my 26th birthday. Turning 25 isn't so scary after all, actually I'm really looking forward to it.

...Yes, I did make a wrestling reference back in the second paragraph. Deal with it! :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear the success of the first week! If you have any international food stores near you - you should check out the frozen foods section and they have these paletitas. They are little paletas, which are latin Popsicle for kids. It's about 60 calories a pop, they come in strawberry, coconut and mango, among others. And they are basically real fruit with some milk and sugar but that's it. With the sugar it's not necessarily the healthiest, but if you include fruit in your diet, it is a lot less expensive and a dessert-like low cal treat. My food tip of the day.

    Happy almost Birthday!!

    Go week 2 go!!
