Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Wind in my (leg) Hair

Guess who needs to shave her legs? Yikes.

Tuesday I did my first bike training. A nice, easy 20 minute ride. It was beautiful out and I am thankful for how great the weather is this week. I'd have to say my first two days of training were pretty successful. I'm a bit sore - mostly my thighs and arms - but I know it's gonna be worth it so I am not complaining. Actually I'm a bit proud... my muscles hurt from my TRI training... doesn't that sound awesome?

I am telling anyone who will listen that I have signed up for the triathlon. Now, this is not me fishing for someone to congratulate me, I haven't actually done anything yet. This is me fishing for said person to perhaps remember I am training and ask me about it days or weeks later. Accountability. I would feel like a total ass if someone asks me how it's going and I have to mumble something about how I gave up. SO! If you see me, ask me how my training is going so you can remind me that I am not allowed to give up. (Thank you in advance.)

Last night I told a few people at work about my triathlon and one of the Rn's, told me that she knows I'm gonna do great and that she would take a day off so she could be there to see me finish. I wanted to cry. I couldn't believe the confidence she had in me. This is the second co worker who has expressed interest in being there waiting for me at the finish line. I expected my family to be there, but I never imagined having more than that. I am a lucky, lucky girl.

Today was swim day. I would call today successful because I did actually get in the pool and I did swim but not much else went right. First of all, I am extremely glad there was no one in the locker room to see me put on my swim cap.

Close your eyes and imagine a comic version of Carrie struggling with a perceived garbage bagged sized silicone cap...see me pulling it down past my arms, my elbows trapped...picture me yanking the cap off, leaving me bald...picture me stuck in the cap like a giant body condom...picture me going to town on said cap with a pair of garden shears...

I promise you all these things went through my head in a Scrubs-like daydream. It did take me an embarrassingly long time to put the cap on and I hated every minute of it. Finally, after the cap was on I got into the pool. As I began swimming I noticed a nice old gentleman trying to pick up an equally nice old woman with the promise of a rousing game of bingo, after Aquarobics of course. (Not joking) Then the woman left he began loudly singing while swimming backstroke THE WHOLE TIME. (Also not joking)

Sidebar: Anti fog swim goggles are a lie. A lie.

So I finish my swim. Today was just an easy 20 minute swim -see the pattern of week one yet?- and I managed to not drown so I consider it a win. But know this! I HATE SHOWERING AT THE GYM!!!! You never have enough room for all your crap on the ONE hook, at least one person will see you naked, and you can never get completely dry.

Also, singing old swimmer guy could still be heard while I was showering. His lovely voice echoed through the tiled room like a bullet trained for my ears.

Worst part: I forgot my bra.

Tomorrow is my first run day. It's also high time I shave my legs. Stayed tuned folks.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! For the next swim day, I'd recommend requesting the old guy sing Eye of the Tiger. Might be a good motivator. Or maybe you can ask him to hum the Jaws theme? Singing in the Rain?
