Monday, April 2, 2012

Holy Toe Clips Batman!

I tried my new toe clips for the first time yesterday. (Thank you Mom and Dad!) Wow. They are not joking around about how much better you can cycle. I was more efficient and definitely faster. Three more miles an hour faster to be exact. I compared my last ride to the one with my toe clips on iMapMyFitness. It uses my phone's GPS to show me the routes I take and how fast I take them. It's pretty cool. It can also map runs but my runs don't usually last that long. Anyway, imagine how much faster I'll be when I really get the hang of them! I was impressed and I'm excited to find out.

I also was practicing the 3 to 9 drill (or 9 to 3 drill, whichever you prefer I guess). You basically forget that you are pedaling in a circle. You think of your rotating pedal as a clock, but 6 and 12 don't exist. You are trying to basically just push through from 3 to 9. Just imagining it, I noticed I was pedaling faster.

So today is April 2nd and I've decided to make April my "Give it Everything I Got" month. Not that I haven't been giving my training all I've got. I just haven't put it first, I haven't put myself first. I mean I've made big strides in my fitness and my attitude but I have been lazy at times and made more exceptions to my workouts then I wanted to. So, NO MORE. This month I'm gonna kick ass. I'm not gonna be bullied into working extra and sacrificing my workout.  I'm not gonna make excuses, I'm gonna get out of bed, and I'm gonna make April a month of serious progress.

1 comment:

  1. Rule #34, Be gone by sunrise.
    Rule # 76, No excuses, play like a champion!
    Rule #86, Shoes say a lot about the man.
