Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's Just Not Enough

I know it's been a while since I've posted. I'm sorry to anyone that may read regularly. It was a combination of working a bit too much and a tiny bit of laziness. I know, I know, not an excuse. Sorry.

So as I come up on week 5, I've noticed something. I'm bored. The schedule I've made is slow and kind of easy. It's also not giving me the results I'm looking for. I want to gain fitness and feel better about myself. I honestly just feel like I'm doing next to nothing. I know that sounds silly. I went from sporadically working out to working out 6-7 days a week but per the schedule I was only working out 20-30 minutes a day. Which again may sound like a lot (?) but it doesn't feel like it. I'm not even sore much anymore, unless I was strength training. (I am not flexible and I am also pretty weak muscle wise)

I'm not doing the easy version of the training either. I do the optional workouts too, but when the book suggests doing 2 workouts a day they are only 40 minutes combined. I mean the first like 6 weeks (and I'm not joking here) doesn't have you swimming more than 10 minutes! Ten little pool minutes! I mean what the hell? I'm only supposed to spend 10 minutes in the pool and that's it for the whole day?So the book had a 12 week program that I modified for twice the amount of time, which contributes to some of the easiness but I've decided that I want more.


So I went back and modified my schedule. Instead of repeating the first three weeks I'm going to run them straight through, doing all the optional work. I'm going to repeat weeks 4-11 twice though and do the optional workouts both times. I've also added meditation and yoga to my training in the morning. I know it may seem like alot but I've also decided to do a DVD here and there, maybe every other day to supplement my boredness. I have plenty to choose from - Jillian Michaels, Biggest Loser, Taebo, Turbofire, Mat Pilates - so I can mix it up a bit.

I know it sounds maybe a bit crazy but I'm tired of waiting. I'm not going push myself to crazy exhaustion. I'm not going to stop eating. I'm just going to be as faithful as possible to my Weight Watchers tracking and try strive for at least an hour long work out every day. (If I do the 40 min combo workout from the book and a 20 min tape it doesn't sound so bad, right?) Twenty minutes of moving a day just isn't enough for me.

I'm a bit nervous because we leave for St. Louis Friday, but I've made sure to book a hotel with a pool, a fitness center, and a good complete breakfast spread. I've also found a WW meeting 5 miles from our hotel so I can weigh in on Saturday. Yes, I am going to weigh in on vacation. I'm also going to make sure that I workout before we leave so I can relax the rest of the day and not worry about it. I also want to try and post at least once while we are there.

So here we go! This is WEEK 1, rebooted. I hoping to see/feel better results by May. Fingers Crossed!

1 comment:

  1. That's a fantastic attitude you have and I'm thrilled you're not just accepting the workout but actively re working your work out schedule. In terms of DVDs, I'd recommend Billy Banks Taebo! So much fun. I've always found I'm more motivated working out with others. Have you considered joining a morning yoga class or something? It might be exciting, but everyone's different.

    In other news, it's getting nice outside. I know that makes me feel more motivated to go out and do stuff. Hopefully that's the same with you.

    Whatcha doin' in St. Louis? Have fuuuun! I'm really proud you made the effort to find a hotel with a gym and pool. I'd love to go swimming, I need to find a pool. Happy Hump Day!!!!!
