Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I held no illusions going into training. I was (still am) overweight and out of shape. I knew it was going to be a challenge, but I guess I never really considered I'd be hurting constantly. I'm pushing myself while I workout, not enough to injure myself or anything. Just that little extra bit that I know I can do if I'm really honest with myself. So sometimes the end of a workout can be a little painful or tough but I'm muscling through.

I'm realizing now though that I am pretty consistently sore. My arms and abs (they are in the somewhere) after my strength workouts. My knees and feet after my runs. My shoulders and sides after my swims. My lady business after a bike (little seat, a lot of me) and also my feet sometimes. So basically I'm just sore always. I know it's generally a good thing. It reminds me that I am working hard and making my goal a reality, slowly but surely. I just have to whine a little because that's just what I do. So...WAAHHH my everything hurts! :)

Since I am sore all the time, I've decided to start doing some yoga in the morning. I bought a 4 pack DVD set from Amazon a while ago; because it was cheap. It has AM/PM yoga, beginner's yoga, yoga for weight loss, and yoga for stress relief. I'm not very flexible and I think the stretching will do me good, maybe help with the soreness or prevent it some. I'm also considering meditation. Just a simple 5 minutes a day. It's supposed to help relieve stress and I sorta feel like a have a lot of it so I'll give it a try.

So let's recap: I'm really sore and I'm gonna start doing yoga. If you're reading this today (4/4) stop lazing about on the Internet and go enjoy the sun! It's really nice out today! (At least here in E.P)


  1. Nice day out here. Went to a talk by the CEO of Virgin Galactic and on a list of Virgin businesses they actually had a group (Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Mobile) called Virgin Brides... haha hahah. Too bad the room was full of old white men and no one even cracked a smile.

    When I was on crew in college my trainer had us use foam noodles after workouts to stretch/relax our back, thigh and calf muscles. It was a godsend. They sell the denser ones used to relieve soreness and help with stretching at Marshall's. I just saw them the other day! I did a quick google search and this website shows how to use them to stretch certain muscles. Try it, you'll like it! Promise!

    Keep up the good work! Miss you!

  2. Aww man, I promise you I would have been laughing so hard if someone tried to say that while being completely serious! Thank you for the tip! I'm definitely going to be getting a foam roll, those stretches look perfect for the pain I'm feeling!

    How are the stairs at work coming along? :)

    I know its kind of far away but I'm off on Monday would you perhaps like to chat on the phone? Any time that's good for you please feel free to call me. I'm out of class/done with workout by like 11am.

    Miss you too!

    1. Bah, I still breath heavy. I don't walk down the stairs because of back pain... but some mornings I make it up 5 1/2 floors before the heavy breathing kicks in. I just started yoga this afternoon, maybe that will help with the breathing.

      Monday is good, but I'll have to call after work probably about 4 or later. If it's a slow day I might call you from work ;)

      Let me know how the foam roll goes. I almost got one when I got my yoga mat, just because I remember how great they were.
