Saturday, April 28, 2012

Can you charge a fitness instructor with attempted murder?

Two words: Holy Shit.

Kait and I went to boot camp yesterday.

I'm not sure what I was expecting, other than getting my ass kicked, but it was an interesting experience. First of all, the instructors name was Boom. He was ripped as hell. His pecs were so huge, if you had a biggest boob contest I would have some competition. Of course, his are probably rock solid and mine are not. Anyway, Boom didn't seem very personable (I only knew his name because it was on the class schedule) but he was drill sergeant like - which you'd expect in a boot camp  instructor - and worked us crazy hard. My only dislike is he never went around correcting anyone's bad form and he didn't offer as many beginner modifications as I had hoped.

We started class by jogging around the room and since there isn't a clock anywhere I'm not sure how long we jogged for. I assume it was only for a few minutes but it felt like an hour to me.(Running/jogging is my worst leg of the Tri as you well know) So then we did some skipping/high knees/sideways criscrossy things (Sure there's a technical term but I don't remember) from one side of the room to another. There was a lot of mat work that involved crunches, planks, push ups, leg lifts... (and lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!) We also did stability ball work (again with plank type push up dealies) which was a bit of an issue because apparently one ball fits all and they only have huge ones. I mean I'm a short gal and to wrap my legs around such a huge ball is really hard! (Yes I know get the laughs out of your system, haha.) We also did upper body work with 5lb weights.

Nothing by itself was particularly too hard. I think there was only one exercise where I was like 'Uh, there's no fucking way that's happening' and it was push ups with your legs on the stability ball. Honestly if I had a smaller ball it would have been doable but I couldn't even figure out how to get myself into starting position without driving my face into the ground. "Just roll over the ball and onto your hands" my ass. But here's the thing, hard or not you are constantly doing something. Your heart rate is going crazy and you are sweating like every single drop of water is being rung out of you. I don't just mean me. Everyone was breathing hard, sweating, and struggling a bit.

Each exercise lasted 30 secs to 1 min and the whole time I think Boom gave us ONE ten second rest. Of course there was plenty of times where I just laid on the mat and prayed for mercy willing my limbs to keep moving. But all and all, we moved every minute for a whole hour. Kait and I traded 'I'm gonna die's' and 'fuck this guy's'  a whole lot and we had no concept of time because there was no clock so the hour felt like ten but we made it through.

I liked it.Yes, I enjoyed feeling like death was looming over my soggy potential corpse just waiting for my heart to burst or my body to spontaneously dehydrate. I can imagine why people get hooked because it was the rush I was looking for, that extra something to add to my training that gives me a gratifying sense of accomplishment. I knew that I worked as hard as possible and I was proud of myself for making it through the whole class. I can definitely see this being a regular Friday thing.

Kait and I will be trying Ab/Gut boot camp Monday with a different instructor and I have signed up for Cycle Circuit for Tuesday. I like the facility but the classes are no substitute for my training, which is going well enough. I feel like three classes a week will be a nice addition to my schedule and a great motivator. (They also have this class called Hammer Time which is done completely with a sledge hammer! I can't wait to try it!)

As for my weigh in today: I LOST 4 POUNDS THIS WEEK!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Holy shit... they have a class called Hammer Time, which is done completely with a sledge hammer?! I'm sorry, I read the whole post, but I can't focus, I'm too frantic trying to find a Hammer Time class on the east coast. That is AWESOME!

    Anyways, I had midterms today, which is why I haven't been commenting much lately. But I'm done. Yesterday I decided to join a friends invite to go running with her. I feel so sore all over. argh! How do you do this every day?? I'm going to keep it up! I wanna be able to keep pace with you for a 5K come Independence Day, or at least attempt to run the whole way. Still no plans set in stone, but I'll let you know. Andrew is still job hunting... hopefully he'll hear back from someone soon. He applied for a promising 6 month stint in New Zealand - and just on cue it sounds like you're working on your beach body already. Keep your fingers crossed!!

    Congrats on your successes and cheers to more of them!
