Monday, April 23, 2012

Feeling Good

 Hello there all! Happy Monday! Things are going well. I have really been sticking to my plans and tracking my food faithfully.

I very apprehensively went to my WW meeting on Saturday. I felt sick to my stomach stepping on the scale, totally sure that my vacation badness was going to be represented by extra pounds. I don't really talk about my weight on this blog, that's not what its for, this is about my training and my fitness. But I am amazingly happy to report that I banked a 3lb loss for this week, bad BBQ and all, and I just wanted to share! Hooray! Perhaps I will report on my weekly weight ins in the future just to help show results, I mean I can't exactly prove to you that I am less winded while I'm jogging (I'm sure as hell not gonna put up a video of me doing so) and I am as proud of my weight loss as fitness gains so I guess we'll see. Just one more way to hold my self accountable.

Speaking of, quite a while ago (we're talking over a year) I saw an ad in a magazine for a motivational tool. It was a simple rubber bracelet (think "live strong"). It's black and in white lettering it says one word: selfdiscipline.  I bought one (again a long time ago) and it has been sitting on my shelf collecting dust. On Saturday, inspired by my small lb. victory, I decided to start wearing it again. It's so simple but so helpful at the same time. I keep it on my left hand (that's my eatin' hand) and I notice it constantly. When I pick up food, when I type, while I'm working out and it reminds me that the only person standing in the way of my success is me. I think it's supposed to be more food focused but it motivates me in all aspects if my life. Like when I got to press the 'up' button for the elevator at work it reminds me I should be taking the stairs. Its a very handy little thing. The website has changed since I bought the bracelet and they have necklaces and stickers and stuff now. I'm thinking of getting a back up one and a couple stickers.

I'm also starting to look for 5k's to do. I'm planning to do two walks in May (Beverly Breast Cancer and Autism Speaks) but I also want to find a 5k for every month til the Tri (or even for the rest of the year). I was also talking about wanting more in the way of activity and I have convinced my sister to try a boot camp class with me. I was thinking a boot camp a week would make a nice addition to my training. I also am signing up for a beginners spin class! I'm so intimidated by the one at the gym and a beginners class would make me feel so much better and hopefully improve my cycling for the Tri.

Well this is getting rather long but I just thought I'd mention that because of some support from the east coast in the form of hair ties (which I have scattered throughout my gym bag, purse, car, and pockets) I was not frustrated at all when my hair tie snapped at the gym on Saturday! :)

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