Friday, May 4, 2012

Negative Nancy

This week I was really down. I think that's why there was such a lack of blogging. Which makes no sense because I had such awesome a victory last week, but I found myself tired and lazy and generally pretty negative all week. I missed (just didn't do) two workouts, I slept in way too late which made me feel slow and tired all day, and I know that I didn't push myself as much as I could or should have.

I think it's because I got an email from the Danskin Tri that reminded me of packet pick ups and I realized that I didn't sign up for the Sprint (1/2mi swim, 12mi bike, 3mi run). I signed up for the super sprint which is 1/4mi swim, 10mi bike, and a 2mi run. I was really depressed to find out past me didn't have the confidence to sign up for the full Sprint. I don't even remember choosing the easier race. What the hell past Carrie? I found out that I could switch to the full sprint for a $10 re-registration fee, which I promptly did but the fact that I hadn't in the first place kind of stuck with me. Up until now I was pretty confident that even though I am out of shape and overweight, I could definitely get my shit together and rock the triathlon. Sadly, this week I had a mini break down (tears and all) and for like 2.5 seconds thought:What if I can't do this?  I can't even run. I'm going to look gross in a one piece tri suit. What was I thinking signing up for a freaking triathlon?

I even sabotaged my healthy eating a bit and made some bad food choice this week (Uh, three margaritas? Yeah, great choice dumbass). The worst part was the chips we got for the salsa were kinda stale but I ate them anyway. Hello emotional eating.

So, even though I'm sure my meeting tomorrow won't be so great, I'm going to go. My leader says whenever you want the skip a meeting that's probably when you need one the most and now I realize she's right. I also took a step towards getting back on track and went to boot camp with Kait today. I sweat solidly for the whole hour and afterward I felt so good. We even made good food choices for lunch. I feel a lot better today and I hope that all the negativeness was just a mid-training crisis. I'm actually going to try Hammer Time and Cycle Circuit next week and I'm looking forward to them. Kait and I are also definitely making boot camp Fridays a regular thing. I have my two walks coming up next weekend so I have to get in heavy duty walking mode. I hope this will be a better week, all I can do is take it one day at a time and try to make progress.  Negative Carrie is out, positive Carrie is back in.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Positive Carrie! Good to have you back.

    If you're looking for a little Cinco de Mayo fun without all the calories, may I recommend a glass of Fresca with tequila (a shot or less will do)? You still have to count the calories in the tequila, but Fresca is a diet citrus drink. One of my favorite drinks is Squirt and Tequila, but I can never find Squirt and have taken a liking to Fresca - the original citrus.

    And, I also wanted to ask, do you know how sexy you are going to look when you're competing in that triathlon? Unless you're going to go with zebra print suit, you will look phenomenal!

    It's definitely hard to keep the motivation up, but just think how awesome it's going to be to cross that finish line! Visualize yourself taking those last few steps/ pedals/ strokes... I am going to try my darnedest to be there to cheer you across the finish line!
