Friday, August 3, 2012

Twistin' the Night Away

22 days left...

Have you ever used the twisty thing in the gym that is supposed to work your obliques?

I think it's called the torso twist. You kneel on this spinny thing and you grip these handles that are about chest height, while resting your chest against this padded thing, so your upper body is facing forward and your knees are pointed to the left or right. You choose your weight and twist your torso to realign with your body, effectively using your oblique muscles.

I apologize for this terribly technical description of a very complicated exercise... but bare with me, I do have a point. THIS THING FREAKING WORKS. Now, when I say it works, I don't mean I've developed a six pack overnight. If only. I mean, holy crap do my sides hurt. They hurt so good.

Because of the heat I've been in the gym a bit more frequently these past two weeks. I could get up super early when it's still in the 70's but let's face it, I hate getting up early. I do, stupidly I might add, bike right in the middle of the day. I'm going to suck it up and start getting up though because as we all know, running is my nemesis and I need to be practicing doing it outside.

So being back in the gym brings be back to when I started training. I forgot how many stupid people are out there. Here's a nice little update to the list of things I would put on the hand out flier I'd like to make.

1. If you are going to hang out with a bunch of people at the gym, don't sit on a bunch of machines with no intention of using them. Take your manly coffee clutch to the locker room where you can gossip about your triceps all you want.
2. Walking about with a can of energy drink does not impress me. Oh, you need all that energy to support your super strenuous workout? Well, energy drinks are sticky and you have no way of closing those cans. I'm looking at you bandanna guy... the seat of the chest press machine was suspiciously sticky.
4. Really, I still don't understand how you workout in jeans. It's too hot out to even be wearing them outside. Enjoy that heat rash I'm sure you're getting.

There are so many more, but I'll just let this guy tell you...

This is Gym Etiquette by LifeAccordingToJimmy on YouTube. I love this video.

Until next time, I'll keep wearing all that neon shit and training hard.

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