Sunday, August 19, 2012

One More Week

7 days...

Just one week left.

I kind of don't even know what to say. It's here. Well, almost. I know that if I'm being honest I didn't do everything I possibly could to prepare for this. I have done quite a bit more then I usually do, but I know that if I could do it all over again I would be better. Train harder. Eat smarter. Of course I'm sure these are pre race jitters, but they don't make them any less true. Again I find myself wondering if starting with other things would have made more sense, instead of just jumping into the sport of triathlon, but I guess we'll never know. Besides, there's always next year. It's do or die time. Death before DNF! I saw that on a bumper sticker and it made me laugh. DNF means 'did not finish', which you get if you...wait for it...don't finish. I find it unlikely that I will DNF. Actually, just drown me in the lake and leave me in Wisconsin if that's the case. I mean it's a super sprint for Pete's sake.

Honestly, there's one thing I'm worried about. They take a picture when you cross the finish line and, of all things, I'm worried about how crappy I'm going to look. I mean really I'm going to be sweaty as hell and my hair is just gonna be a mess! Haha... Isn't that the silliest thing to worry about?

Alright, negative time is over.

So! I guess there is a cycling club in Oak Lawn. I'm kind of excited. They are called Bike Psychos (love it) and they meet the first Monday of every month from March - October. They are having a Century Ride on the same day as my tri. You can ride anywhere between 30 and 124 miles. I would like to maybe participate next year. That is a hell of a lot of miles on a bike seat though. You'd have to train your ass just as much as your legs. It's only $25 for membership for the year and even though I'd love to join now, it seems silly with only 2 meetings left for the season. It's definitely something to keep in mind for next year though.

I'm a little bit scared of what is going to happen to me after the Tri. I'm going to need a new goal. I'm afraid without one, I'll go back to my old ways and gain all that weight back again. I know ultimately my new goal will be completing a SPRINT triathlon. All the way. Swimming the total 1/2 mile and no walking during the run. So I guess the next logical step is really concentrating on my swim and my run. The freaking run. Ugh.

I suppose I'll just have to create myself a plan and stick to it. I think my next goal is just to focus on my weight. Yes, I will be working on my swim and run, but between September and the end of the year I'd like to be at 20% of my weight lost (that would be -56lbs. but if I'm being honest I'd like to just round it up to -60lbs.)  This will require me to focus more on what I'm eating then how I'm working out. When I was training, the workout was always more important then the eating, so it'll be interesting to see the results of giving them equal importance. Yeah, I know I should have been doing that the whole time. You live and you learn.

I'm so close to 10% right now I can taste it. I'm not sure if I'll make it before Saturday but if not I should most definitely hit it the week after. I think I've given enough numbers for you to figure out my starting weight at this point, but call me a coward, I just can't actually type it out.

So, one week left. This is me. Trying not to panic.

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