Friday, August 24, 2012

Almost There!

As I sit down to write my pre race blog post I find it hard to not type "HOLY SHIT" and "AHHHH" over and over again. I am a glass case of emotion! I know I've been planning for this for so long and it's time to just put on my big girl tri shorts and get to it, but I'm just so nervous.

Tomorrow morning we're driving up to Pleasant Prairie and I'll get my race number and be able to rack my bike in the transition area. They are also going to have a Q and A session about the course and afterward Sally Edwards is going to give a Race Day Overview. I'm excited to listen to Sally explain race day, she is knowledgeable and made TriCamp so much fun, I'm sure she'll be full of nerve soothing advice.

I'm all packed up and looking forward to my pre race "carb fest". We are going to go to Olive Garden for dinner tomorrow and I know fest implies I will stuff my face, but rest assured dear readers I will eat within reason. No one wants to watch me throw up all over the course.

My only worry is that the weather will be crummy Sunday. Weather Channel is calling for scattered thunderstorms and I would hate for the race to be cancelled. I can tough out some rain if they'll let me. I'm also kind of worried I'll forget something but as long as I have my goggles, my bike, and my shoes I'll be fine.

I want to thank everyone who has supported me thus far. I wouldn't be freaking out at all without you. I'd be sitting around doing nothing with myself, totally unfit. So thank you for helping me change my life for the better.

I know this isn't a substance rich post but it's truly difficult to keep my terrified happiness in check. I promise an epic post race recap complete with pictures on Monday!

Wish me Luck! Next time I post, I'll be a triathlete! :)

1 comment:

  1. You don't even need any luck! You're going to do fantastic because you put all that hard work in. But, for weathers sake - GOOD LUCK!! You're going to do GRRRRRRREAT! (Yes, I really hope you read that like Tony the Tiger :)
