Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Olympic Inspiration

17 days left...

So since I am doing my own little triathlon, I was really looking forward to watching the Olympic women's tri. Sadly, the women's triathlon was on Saturday at 3a.m. so I set my Tivo to record the event and went to sleep. Much to my SEVERE ANGER I woke up and discovered that instead of changing the channel to 68, for NBC Sports, Tivo forgot that all important 8 and recorded SIX WHOLE HOURS of Telemundo. Tivo should have known that no one records that much Telemundo, ever.

So I missed the women's triathlon. It really sucked because Sara Groff (USA) took 4th place with a time of 2hrs. I know she didn't get a medal but from the articles I read, she kicked some butt. The Gold medal finish time was 1:59:48.00 and Groff's finish was 2:00:00.00. It's crazy to think so little time can make the difference between Gold and no medal at all. Either way, the articles I read didn't do the race the justice I'm sure it deserved and I'm sad to have missed it.

I was hoping to pull inspiration from watching the race, but I did catch quite a bit of swimming and cycling. The track events terrify instead of inspire but I watched a couple of them too.

So a while back I mentioned that I don't use the treadmill in my room because I hate the noise it makes under my weight. I cleaned it off and actually got on it today. You know what helps with the loudness? Increasing the volume of the tv.

I did a brick workout today, which means practicing doing 2 sports in one workout so (pause for this shocker) that you can simulate the race and practice transitions. I biked this afternoon and it started to drizzle so I only did 8 miles instead of the 10, but I had planned on walk/running right after so instead of ditching the walk/run portion of my workout I fired up the old treadmill and gots to jogging. It wasn't the worst thing ever.

Friday, I plan to do a run through at the gym. I know the stationary bike and treadmill aren't ideal, but it's just so I can convince myself I can actually make it through the whole thing. Plus, you know, the pool is there so it makes it much easier. I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl!

    I'm watching the Olympics tonight and I always feel for the those who don't medal. They work just as hard but just don't make the final cut, maybe they had a bad race/meet/game or someone just did better then them. But you know what... they're still Olympians. They competed, whether they win or not.

    You are going to be a triathlete in 17 days!

    Whether you come in first or 31st!

    I'm rooting for you Carrie!
