Monday, October 8, 2012

Insert Witty Post Title Here (Oct. 6th Weigh In)

October 6th Weigh In: -1.0 lbs
Total Weightloss: 29.6 lbs
Weight: 254.6 lbs

As you can see, I still am not at my goal from the 29th. Yes. I am upset. Did I rage murder someone because of it? No. It's still pretty damn discouraging though.

I went on weight watchers online and found that lately I have been keeping a solid -1.5 loss average each week. So even with the little gains if you divide my total loss by the amount of weeks it doesn't seems so bad. Also between 1-2lbs a week is a steady and safe rate of weight loss so it seems I am right on the money in that regard.

The Chicago Marathon was this past Sunday. I give those athletes a whole crap ton (yes that is a legal way to measure things) of respect. Considering I've never really walked anything more than 6 miles in one day, its insanely impressive to do 26.2 miles in 6.5 hours or less. (The site says the course is only open for 6.5 hours) So this brings me to consider training for a marathon. Yes, chuckle all you want. Belly laugh even. Carrie, she who is a known enemy of running, is thinking about marathons. Honestly, as with the triathlon, a marathon is on my fitness bucket list. In fairness though, a 5k, 10k, and 1/2 marathon are also on there. Not surprisingly so, a sprint, Olympic, and (very unlikely) 1/2 iron man triathlon are on my fitness bucket list too, but just because they are there doesn't mean I am planning to do them all next year. Actually, after doing my tri I vaguely mapped out a timeline in my head for these fitnessy goals.

2013: Age 26
-"Run" a 5k, 10k and possibly if my running has improved the Chicago 1/2 marathon in Sept.
-Do the Danskin SPRINT Triathlon on August 25th (Yup, they posted the date already)
-Bike the Drive (30miles) again because it was awesome and I'd like to do it every year
-Be able to swim one whole mile

2014: Age 27
-Run a bunch of races, if I didn't do the 1/2 marathon in 2013 - Do it this year. If my running
has improved, consider the Chicago Marathon.
-Do the Danskin Tri and rock the hell out of it (another yearly thing I'd like to add to my life)
-Bike that motherflipping Drive yet again
-Consider doing a 1/2 Century Ride
-Be able to swim 1.5 miles

2015: Age 28
-Run 1/2 Marathon or Marathon 
-Danskin/Bike the Drive (at this point they have become a yearly tradition for me)
-Do 1/2 Century Ride (hopefully again) maybe do 75miles of the Century
-Perhaps an Olympic Distance Triathlon
-Be able to swim 2 miles

2016: Age 29
-Run the Chicago Marathon (and the 1/2 just for fun at this point)
-Do a Century Ride
-Danskin/Bike the Drive
-Make this Olympic Distance Tri year
-Be able to swim 2.5 miles

2017 and Beyond: Age 30+
-Keep doing Danskin/Bike the Drive yearly
-Train for and complete a 1/2 Iron man distance Triathlon (preferably by 35)
- Be fit enough to try something like the Tough Mudder or Warrior Dash

I know these are all lofty goals. I know I might sound a bit crazy. But know that I understand that these are all purely vague fantastical notions in my head. My only solid goals are to do Danskin and Bike the Drive yearly, Complete a Marathon before I'm 30, and bike at least a 1/2 century (50miles) before I'm 30 as well. I'd also like to be at goal by the end of 2014. I know it's possible that I will be at goal before that, but I think realistically speaking losing 50lbs a year and taking 3 years to lose 150lbs, is not an unfair goal. I think, for me, it's terribly realistic (you've seen me rant crazy style about goals) and achievable. That's 50lbs a year, weighing in at not quite a whole pound a week each year. Totally rational. Totally doable. So while I'd like to be at goal sometime next year, I promise to not be angerly hard on myself until the end of 2014. Seem fair? I think so.

I'd also like to try some destination races. Perhaps a Triathlon in New Zealand? The Marathon in Rome? Who knows. The sky's the limit folks.

I think I'm finally taking some well meaning advice (Thank you) and cutting myself some slack. I have plenty of time to lose this weight and achieve all my fitness goals. I understand that my fitness goals aren't my life. Once I start GSU in January I'll have school to worry about, on top of everything else. I know that I might encounter some set backs, and I might not achieve every goal I set for myself. But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying. Besides, once I finally graduate and get a sweet teaching job, I'll have summers off and money to fund all these costly hobbies and trips I've been planning on taking since I was 14.

So I'll hit 30 pounds next week. No big deal. But so help me, If I don't lose .4 this week I might actually black out from rage. Hey, I said I'm working on cutting myself some slack...I'm not perfect.

I also wrote a post a few days ago called 'Musings on Obesity' that I feel like a lot of people missed. If you have a few minutes after reading this post, check it out. Also, next Monday I start Plus Sized Pilates, so stay tuned for that.  

1 comment:

  1. So in engineering we have thresholds and objectives. A threshold is a target that is the minimum acceptable value, it must be met, and objectives are operational goals or targets that we'd ideally like to have met. Ie. The airplane must go faster than 400mi/hr (threshold) but we'd like to design it to be able to go 500mi/hr (objective) if it is in the budget and we can design it that way within the other design parameters.

    I'm whipping out the engineering on you babe:
    Threshold: Goal weight by end of 2014
    Objective: Goal weight by fall 2013

    And, like in real life, oftentimes the objectives must be compromised because of other factors, such as money or in your case school, but it is always the engineers hope to get as close to the objective as possible while still meeting all other design (or happiness / sanity) obligations.

    Using threshold/objectives sounds like a great way to write fitness goals because you still have your objectives on paper, but you also build yourself in a little slack.
