Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Paper Towels are for Hands, Not Bodies

...Trust me, I've done the leg work.

I was so excited to get in the pool again. With my packed up bag, I made it to the gym and happily saw that there was only one person in the pool. I was so proud of myself for not forgetting my underwear and the fact that my swim cap went on on the first try that nothing was gonna ruin my swim...that was until I was fully submerged in the water, swimming under the lane dividers to the empty lane...and realized I forgot my damn towel.

Yeah, yeah...shut up Towelie
So that was fun. I really loooved drying off with giant wads of paper towel. There are just some places you don't want paper towel to be and I found them all. If you've ever been to see The Blueman Group, at the end (or atleast this is what happened when I went) they take these giant rolls of toliet paper and start furiously pulling them out towards the audience. That was me, except my audience got the show for free, and probably would have prefered not to see it. If I had thought about it, I would have taken a picture of the pile of paper towel, it was very impressive. But I think if I whipped out my camera in the gym locker room I'd have more problems than extreme wetness to deal with. (Well that sounded not so great...Shame on you Reader! Get your mind out of the gutter please! Jeez.) Hey L.A. Fitness, perhaps it's time to consider some towel options? Towel mishaps aside, it was a good swim.

This week, we did a hour long strength training workout in my Healthy Lifestyle class. It was kind of awesome. Which I think you cannot legally say that about anything that happens at Moraine Valley, screw it! I'm not afraid to say it. I enjoyed myself for a whole hour. I sweat almost as much as I did while I did during bootcamp, with a lot less effort. I know that sounds weird but we did most exercises on the Bosu Ball. Instead of putting you through me trying to explain this bouncey half ball rubber typer thing that is flat on the bottom (oh...wait...) I'll just post you a picture.

It forces you to try and keep your balance on top of whatever else you are doing. So instead of just doing bicep curls, you are also engaging all thoses extra muscles while doing the curls. I was surprised that I kept up with the majority of the class. My face was much sweatier and redder then some classmates, but damn it I was getting one hell of a workout. It was fun too; you can bounce on the Bosu like a tiny trampoline. Hehe.

I really think having a Bosu would make my home workouts a lot more effective...and bouncy. Sadly, this awesome multi purpose piece of muscle engaging equipment is fairly expensive. One quick Amazon search crushed my excitement. I don't exactly have a few hundred dollars laying around, so my Bosu dreams are on hold. Also, there are different kinds of Bosu Balls so I'll have to do some research. Damn you Amazon, damn you. To the wishlist you go Bosu.

I should be heading to bed, I have another exercise lab tomorrow for my PEH class. We are doing flexibility and stretching. If there's one thing I'm not, it's flexible. Honestly, my heartrate is higher when I try to do yoga than when I'm doing cardio because I never know when to breathe and totally just forgot to do it. Yes, I forget to breathe.

Well folks, think unpretzely thoughts for me tomorrow and good 30lb total vibes for me on Saturday. *fingers crossed*



1 comment:

  1. Hey Chica! So glad to hear things are going well. Did I tell you might try a tri? It's hard to get up the motivation, I still don't know how you did it! And you're keeping it up! Swimming, stretching and strengthening!! You're so awesome!!

    How's the eating right part of this journey going? I mean, exercise is important, but if you're really serious about losing 30lbs, be mindful of the eating part. I've been eating so much healthier here in NZ, lots of meals are mostly vegetables with only a little meat and carbs are smaller, so you can eat a muffin and it's not a full day's worth of calories. Sometimes (most of the time for me) eating right is the harder part, so I thought I'd check in!

    Thinking light and un-pretzel-y thoughts the next couple of days!
