Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Not About the Number...Right?

Can you tell this weeks weigh in wasn't awesome?

Week 2: September 22nd - Weight = 257.2 (+0.6) Total weight loss = 27lbs.

I know it's just a tiny gain and I'm sorry but I'm gonna bust out some emo crap on you... the insignificant 0.6lbs weighs heavy on my confidence. This isn't the first time I've had a silly little gain, but it has definitely been a while.

Now I know that's not even a half a pound and...that if I had taken a really good crap before the meeting I might have broke even...that I went out for EP Homecoming on Friday night and all the salty garbage I ate that day could have messed up my system...that if I had just did my tape 6 days instead of 5...

Yeah yeah, excuses excuses. Oh well, there's always next week.

Speaking of, for my PEH class at Moraine we had to set three little goals as we work towards our big semester goal. Saturday (the 29th) is my first goal evaluation day. I need to be down 3lbs this week to make it (Be at -30lbs). I think I can totally do it. I just have to track a bit more faithfully this week.

I apologize for the number heaviness of these posts. I promise that I haven't turned into some crazy person who weighs themselves after every meal or bowel movement. I just haven't been this close to big numbers...well ever and I'm just really excited.

So in a non numbers related bit of happiness, I've decided tomorrow's the day I get back in the pool. I haven't swam since the triathlon and I miss it.  Also, I get Danskin updates on Facebook and they posted that we should keep our eyes out for REGISTRATION for next year already! They don't give you much time, do they? I guess it's good because the sooner you sign up the cheaper it is and I'll be glad to have a solid non weight related goal in my brain again.

Ahh...this feels better...non weight related things....

Kait and I are going to be walking the St.Xavier Cougar 5k Saturday. I was thinking of doing it but entering all these races is getting kind of expensive so I was gonna just let it go. But thanks to some race entries from Pizzaman (Thank you Louise!) we're going to be walking now. I really need to get back into a walk/run program though. If I'm gonna be doing the regular sprint next year I need to be able to at least lightly jog 3 miles, and that's on top of the swim and the run, or else my time is gonna be crummy from walking. I'm still trying to find a training buddy this year. I'm also considering finding another sprint tri to do as well because training is a hell of a lot of work for just one race.

Well I think that's enough for now. I'm going to try and post more than once a week but if you enjoy reading blogs and you've thought to yourself, "Self, I like Carrie's blog but I really wish there was someone blogging about what it's like being an American and moving to New Zealand, so I can read about that as well", well I've got a blog for you! My bestest bravest most wonderful friend Julie has just moved to New Zealand with her equally courageous man friend/partner Andrew and she is blogging about the experience. You can read this tale at Seriously, go ahead...go...I'm done with this post!

G'night All.

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