Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New Semester, New Goals

I've been trying to figure out what to do with myself post triathlon. I spent the last week eating a lot of garbage, sliding back to my soda drinking ways, and not doing a whole lot of physical activity.

I am floating along, lost without a goal.

So I guess it's new goal time. I'm actually taking this class at Moraine called "A Healthy Lifestyle and You". If it sounds like a hellish kind of awful to be 25 and taking a health class, it is. Think everything you learned in high school health, but with 50 year old dudes sitting next to you. Also, there are workout units where we will exercise as a class. Just weird. It's a required course for the education program at GSU so taking it, I am.

...Yoda on your asses I went

The part I do like is that you have to make a health related goal for the semester and use the things you learn in class to achieve it. Writing about how and if you achieved your goal is even a part of the final.

I decided to make my goal... wait for it... a weight loss one. I'll pause for you to compose yourself from your obvious shock. I want to lose 25lbs before the semesters over. That would bring my total to 50lbs lost since April. I think 50lbs in one year is a pretty nice loss and I'll be really happy if I can make it.

As we all know, I am the great maker of plans but not so great on the follow through. It'll be good to have my grade being a part of my goal. I also think it'll be good because we had to make 3 short term goals leading up to the big one, creating important re evaluation points.

How do I plan to achieve this goal you may ask? You may not be asking, but I'm going to tell you anyway.

Here's a not so shocking confession, I spent a lot of money on weight loss stuff. Books, videos, "systems", "health" foods, you name it I (most likely) spent too much on it. That being said, I always wanted to be fit enough to try P90x. Of course, I am nowhere near that level of fitness. Quite some time ago I spent some money on the Power 90 dvds. It's the program they put out before and claim it will get you in better shape to be able to actually do p90x. It seems fairly simple and I think the 30 minutes a day is totally doable. Some of the reviews say that it gets a little boring, but I'll definitely give it a solid 30 day try.

In addition to my very beginnery run/walk program, it will be a nice strength/stretching component to my fitness goals. 90 days seems like a long time, but I can do anything for 90 days. Three months is nothing. I know it sounds like a lot, but I'd also like to throw in some swimming and biking for fun. I guess I'll just see where the semester takes me.

To keep up with class, I'm going to blog my progress. I'm also going to post my day 1, 30, 60, and 90 day photos. Holding myself accountable is key to preventing those treacherous back slides. I haven't decided, but I might even post my weight on Saturdays after my weight watchers meetings. I know I've given sufficient evidence for you to sleuth out my actual weight but like I said before, it's hard to really just come out and say it. I guess we'll see how courageous I am Saturday.

Until then dear readers.

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