Sunday, September 16, 2012

Honest Accountability

Alrighty folks.

I have spent most of...oh hell...all of my adult life overweight. I'm still overweight. I'll probably always be a bit overweight. As you all know, I'm working on losing weight and getting healthy. I did this triathlon because of my "quarter life crisis" but also because I thought that training would be a great way to lose a couple pounds.

Last year, I joined weight watchers and lost 24 pounds. Between August of last year and mid January this year I gained it all, and a bit more, back. I went back to weight watchers then and was really good for a few weeks and then kind of crapped out. I went back on the last day of March after making my triathlon declamation and starting this blog.

Here's the totally true and terrifying truth...

Starting weight in Jan 2012: 284.2
Of course, I went back to weight watchers. I mean holy shit I was so damn close to 300 pounds I wanted to off myself. Also I hated myself for taking all that time to lose the weight only to gain it back.

Starting weight on March 2012: 278.4
I had lost 5.8 pounds but I wasn't really trying that hard. I was loosely following the program.

So, since March I've trained for and done a super sprint triathlon and I have dropped some weight in the process. Now that I don't have the crazy goal of a tri looming over me, I was afraid that I would take the slippery slope back up towards 3hundo town. So as discussed in my last post, I have started Power 90. The 90 day program that is supposed to get you in shape so you will be able to do harder workouts like p90x (it's done by the same guy- Tony Horton).

Power 90 Day One - September 8th Weigh in: 260.6
As promised, I am posting Day One pictures. They are not flattering at all, but think of how much worse they would have been if I wore a tighter tank top...yuck.

I had some side pictures but they were really blurry so I left them out. As you can see, my arms are fairly big and I keep a lot of my weight in my middle/ass area. But I think what I'm going is going to help, I actually like Power 90. You start on phase 1-2 and its 6 days a week with one day of rest. You alternate cardio/abs (Sweat and Ab Ripper 100) and strength training (Sculpt). It's not the hardest thing I've ever done, but it is challenging. Like Sweat has "Power Yoga" and you are basically in a plank/push up position the whole time and let's face it, push ups are not my thing but I'm trying. Sculpt involves a a lot of regular push ups and I'm also pretty terrible at dips. The Ab Ripper isn't long, but holy crap does my mid section hurt.

As if posting my weight isn't truthy enough, I will tell you I only did 4 days of Power 90 this week, week one. Yes, I couldn't even commit to the 6 days for the first week. I know, I suck. But here's the crazy part, with only doing 4 days of the program instead of the 6 days, I had great results. I can only imagine how good they would have been with 6 days.

Weigh in September 15 (after week 1 of power 90): 256.6 (-4lbs)
That's right. I lost 4 pounds this week! Hooray! This brings my weight loss total to -27.6 pounds!

So I'm pretty happy. I'm so damn close to -30lbs I can taste it. Also -30 was was first goal for my PEH class, and I set myself to achieve it by Sept 29th, so it looks like I might make goal #1 early. I'm also 6.6 pounds away from being closer to 200 than 300 so that will be an awesome feeling.

On Day 30, 60, and 90 I'll post pictures and I'll keep weighing in on Saturdays and blogging my results (or at least try to) on Sundays.

So that's it. Total honesty. Total embarrassment. Total accountability.

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