Saturday, November 3, 2012

Am I Being Bullied?

I wasn't going to go to my meeting this morning. This post was going to be titled, "Know when to Hold 'em". I had a very large sodium ridden meal of super delicious Chi Tung last night. I do that a lot. I'm really good all week and then on Friday I go out for a huge meal and effect my weigh in negatively. So, I was not going to weigh in because when I have a bad week it takes me a few days to recover from the way the (usual) gain impacts my mood.

But, dear readers, I went to my meeting. Why? Well I'll tell you why. My sister, who is generally a great motivator, made me feel bad about not going. She was not gentle in anyway. This wasn't just a tiny bit of guilt that pushes me into making the right choice, ohhhh no, this was the worst bad mojo she could possibly push on me.

She says, "If you don't go tomorrow, I'm gonna die". What the hell?!?! Here's my reaction:

Oh Michael Clark Duncan, I miss you.
If you haven't seen Talladega Nights, you should because stupidly funny if you know any Nascar fans. Also, speaking of the late Mr. Duncan, if you haven't seen The Green Mile, stop what you are doing and go see it. Do it. Go ahead, I'll wait...
Wasn't it the best? Your welcome. (You should also read it, but we don't have time for that now)
That's not my point though. That's how I felt. DON'T PUT THAT EVIL ON ME KAIT! So I had to go to my meeting today because if I didn't and for some crazy reason Kait died, it would be my fault and I would hate myself. So my sister is a very well meaning, mental jingling bully. But damn, if I don't just love the crap out of her. I mean, I went didn't I? It's nice to have someone pushing you and I just playfully call her a bully, I mean no meanness. I appreciate that she pushes me and I'm thankful to have such a good sister who cares about me. (Perhaps maybe next time she could just be a little less morbid in her helpful pushes?) Besides, I needed to go to the meeting and it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.
The results:

November 3rd Weigh In: +/- 0lbs.
Total Weight loss: 33.6 lbs
Weight: 250.6 lbs

No change. It's not a loss, but it's not a gain. So I'm okay with it. I'm not happy but I'm not sad. I am neutral. So, yay neutrality! I know I have been less than bloggy lately but I have just been lacking the creative zing to make decent posts. Also, my main focus hasn't honestly been my fitness/weight loss goals these past couple weeks. I'm starting and Governor's State in the spring and freaking out about my future plans have sort of trumped my new active lifestyle. I am making progress on my list of stuff I'd like to do/try though so expect more stories of me doing things that are totally out of my comfort zone. Yay for awkward Carrie doing new things!

Have a good week y'all, I'm going to work my ass off and lose this week, for sure. Stay tuned!

((Seriously, The Green Mile. Read it, watch it, love it))

1 comment:

  1. So glad you made it to the weigh in! Have you considered making Monday night splurge day and toeing the line on Friday? Maybe that will help with your motivation to go to weigh in.

    I'm so proud of you to have kept the weight off through the stress of classes and even if your not focusing on it, small victories! Good luck with school and I hope you keep up the good work!
