Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Halfway to 100

Don't get excited. I didn't magically lose 16 pounds. I still have 47 days, 7 weeks, and 7 weigh ins to meet my goal for the year...not that I'm counting or anything...

This is my 50th post!

I wish I could be writing some deep wonderful words about how my life just synced up perfectly and so poetically that as I write my 50th post I am excitedly telling you that I had lost 50 pounds and the universe just made sense.

November 10th Weigh In: +/- 0lbs.
Total Weight loss: 33.6 lbs
Weight: 250.6 lbs

Not the case. This is what we call a plateau folks. Your progress flat lines even though you are still making good choices and exercising and it sucks big time.

But let's focus on some non weight related things shall we?

I put on my winter coat today. It's a nice black pea coat, with buttons on the front instead of a zipper. Well, when I got the coat I could barely button the top one. (Mostly because my chest was much bigger when I got the coat, but I couldn't button it over my stomach either) Without even thinking about it today, I put the coat as I was leaving for work and I buttoned up all four buttons and didn't even realize it until I was walking work. It hit me...holy crap I completely buttoned this coat AND I'm wearing my scrubs AND a hoodie under it! It was a good feeling.

I also recently bought a cover up/light sweater type thing and it was a size 14/16!! When you haven't seen the underside of size 20 in years it's sort of unbelievable.

Obviously, my chest is smaller and that's a mixed bag. I'm grateful to be able to sleep on my back without smothering myself, but sometimes I miss the girls.

I know this is gonna sound super crazy, but I've noticed that my thumbs look smaller. Less sausagey and more fingery. Does that make sense?

I take the stairs at work (to the 6th floor) and while I'm still a bit out of breath by the time I get to my floor, I take them everyday. It's almost become a habit. Sometimes I still hit the elevator button but usually I realize I should be taking the stairs and walk away.

One of the nurses at work mentioned that I'm going to need new scrubs soon. I'm not exactly swimming in them, but they are kind of big. It's not that I like wearing baggy scrubs, I just hate the color (poo brown) and I really don't want to by a size smaller, (hopefully) kick some ass and lose more and then have to buy another size smaller. I'd rather lose a few sizes before I spend another 60 bucks on more scrubs. I also have a hard time finding scrubs that fit me right and clothes shopping still isn't high on my list of stuff I enjoy doing.

I'm really behind on my Tivo shows. This may not seem like it has anything to do with my weight at all but being behind means I've been, A. Going to bed at a reasonable time (good for weight loss), B. Moving more (exercising instead of tv watching), and C. Doing more productive things than spending days at a time in front of the Tv.

So there you have it. I'm still the same weight but I guess I'm less wide and that's pretty cool. I should have been taking my measurements and keeping track of inches lost as well, but I never really thought about it until I put my coat on today. Perhaps I'll start doing that next week. I wish I had something exciting to write about but another non loss, missing spin this week (had to work Tuesday), and getting 4 paper cuts yesterday really doesn't make for an exciting read.

I'm going to see if I can find another spin class this week and I'm trying to do some things different this week (like getting up and eating breakfast) and hope for better results on Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. Totally inappropriate comment of the day:

    I recently lost about a size and half up top (always the first to go), and while they are smaller, they are MUCH shapelier. You may need a male opinion on this one, but bigger doesn't necessarily mean better for your girls. Changing the way you think about loosing up there might help you come to like your perkier twins.
