Thursday, June 28, 2012

Crisis of Faith

Please forgive me... I hate being that whiney bitch, so be warned. Actually, you dont want to read this. Look away folks, look away...

I warned you.

I've tried really hard to not blog how crazy negative I feel. I know negative Carrie has been out before but that's nothing compared to how I really feel. About myself, about the Tri, about my seriously slow and out of shape ass. I really think that's why I haven't been extremely bloggy lately. I've spent almost a month barely training. I think that's why tri camp was so hard; I let my training slip because of my negative attitude. I'm so afraid I'm going to suck so bad I've been unintentionally sabotaging myself I guess. No point in training, I'm going to suck anyway, why bother? Seriously. What the hell was I thinking? Why am I doing a triathlon first? Shouldn't I have started with a 5k, a couple 5k's for that matter? I should have found someone to do this with me. I should have found a tri club, or a training partner. Someone to hold me freaking accountable to train because clearly I can't do it myself. I mean the support from my friends and family has been amazing and I don't mean to say that it hasn't helped. But I'm just not the kind of person who can do it alone I guess. I wish I woke up every morning and was excited to train. I wish I could bottle how awesome I feel after a really good workout and use it to get myself motivated. I wish I was the kind of person that turns to working out when I'm stressed.

What the hell am I doing? Who am I? Am I really a Triathlete? If I can't finish will I really be okay with "just trying" being enough? Ugh I hate my complete lack of self confidence. I realize how stupid I sound, but up until now I feel like this blog hasn't been totally honest. I try to laugh off my insecurities. I try to put up a front that I am awesome and training is great. If I wrote about every time I felt like a crazy ass for signing up for this Tri no one would read this because every entry would be titled "WHAT THE FUDGE AM I DOING!?" No, it wouldn't be fudge either, but I'm trying to clean up my language a bit. It seems like the only thing I know about myself is that I will get into anything, but will never see it through. I mean I can't even meditate every day for a week. Just when it seems like a have a few awesome weeks of weight loss, I stop tracking and find myself making bad choices. Why can't I just say I'm going to do something and do it? I have no idea what I'm doing. Who the hell am I? I have no idea.

Things I know about me:

-I can't be trusted with any kind of chips or fries. They are my trigger foods.
-I am overweight and I hate it.
-I think I will always be overweight
-I signed up for a 5k in September and it sounds super fun and I'm really excited.
-As of Monday, I'll have 8 weeks left to train and that basically feels like nothing
-I WANT to be a triathlete, but I don't really think I can
-I want to learn how to relax and take time out of everyday to meditate
-When I am depressed or upset I turn to food and I hate myself for it
-I love penguins and koalas
-I cannot wait to see Magic Mike and Ted
-I have a book buying/book reading problem that I will never apologize for
-I use the treadmill in my room as a clothes rack because I hate how loud it sounds when I'm on it
-My two favorite TV shows of all time are Sex and the City and Supernatural (yes I am aware how weird that sounds because they are nothing alike)
-I am a hopeless mess. I love cleaning my room but it will always end up looking like an explosion
-Sometimes the hardest thing for me to do is get out of bed in the morning
-I am a great sister
-I am a less than great friend
-I hate ^this about myself
-I really enjoy any cocktail that has tequila in it
-I don't care how stupid they look, I love wearing crocs
-The Holiday is my bad day movie.
-Louis CK is one of the funniest comics ever. Definitely my favorite
-I also really like Patton Oswalt
-I want to love myself and because I don't, I don't think I can 100% believe that anyone else does.
-I want to learn how to speak Italian, and live in Italy for a part of my life
-I want that crazy stupid romantic love you only read about, but I know there's a reason you only read about it and that I have unrealistic expectations. This makes me a bit sad.
-I am so scared that I am going to be a Unit Secretary forever because when I'm done with school, and almost 30, I won't be able to find a real job and establish a career. Then forever in debt, I won't be able to travel to all the places I want to see in my life.
-I hate my feet. How they look, how no matter what I use - they are always dry, my plantar fasciitis
-I hate how negative I am, honestly I hate everything about me a little bit... and I hate when people try to talk me out of how I feel even more. I don't say it for you to tell me otherwise. I say it because it's how I really feel, not for your sympathy or pity
-The Despicable Me 2 teaser trailer makes me smile, no matter what
-Don't ever ask me what my favorite book is, unless you want to have a very long conversation about books, because there isn't just one.
-I want to be able to provide for myself. I want to finish school and afford my own place and all my bills and just be independent.
-I want to live anywhere but Illinois. I've spent 25 years here. California was nice, Arizona was amazing, and Boston was a lot of fun. I'd like to live in those places for a while.

I guess I know more about myself than that but it's all I can think of at the moment.

I understand this post isn't really about Tri training. I know, if you actually made it through this post, it wasn't what you were expecting and for that I am sorry. I just needed to vent, and it all stems from this stupid triathlon, so this is my outlet. Sorry again. I only have eight weeks left. I'm not sure if these weeks will kill me, or help me make the steps necessary to become the person I want to be. I know I signed up for this because I realized I was turning 25 and didn't have much to show for my 25 years, and if I could become a triathlete, maybe I can feel like I've done something not many people have...and not feel like such a waste of space.

 If I haven't scared you off, stay tuned and I guess we'll find out together.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to be late for work, but I have to respond!! You are, bar none, a GREAT friend. So please go back and edit that!

    In other comments, fake it 'til you make it! Everyone has doubts, but you need not! You are going to cross that finish line in August! And you will one day feel GREAT! It takes time, and patience and those things suck, so when you mess up, and don't train, or eat fries, just forget about it. Everyday is a new day! Well, maybe I'm just saying all this so I can say "I told you so" after you finish the tri! You can do it! You will do it! And it's okay to have doubts!

    I think you've accomplished a lot since I've known you. All that jazz about not accomplishing anything? You made me a better person, what more could you ask for? You've traveled to Canada and where else with Band? Boston and a road trip to CA! You've accomplished a lot academically and professionally, even if you're not where you want to be or will be one day.

    I love you Carrie! And I'm demanding that you squash those doubts a bit today!

    Alright, gotta run to work!

    I hope you travel abroad one year! It's a terrifying idea, but I hope if you ever get the chance, you'll jump on it! One day you'll look back at your 20-something self and wonder how you never knew you were going to end up securely working as a _________ and living in __________.
