Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Blogger's Block

I haven't written lately because I'm not really sure what to write about. I have a lot of fun stuff coming up but since Bike the Drive there's been a lull in interesting Tri stuffs. Because lets face it, after you bike 30 miles in one day, regular training just seems a bit boring. I'm looking forward to TriCamp. I'm pretty nervous considering there will be a workout for each sport, and I am seriously lacking in the run department. I still have plenty of time to work up my endurance so I'm just going to be happy with enjoying the experience. I'm going to be dragging Kait to a duathlon type thing in the beginning of July where I'll run 2 miles, swim 1/2 mile, and then run 2 more miles. Kait will watch and enjoy the BBQ and post event outlet mall trip.

I have had a couple really great weigh ins at WW. There were a few weeks were I lost and gained and lost and gained again, leaving my weight stagnant for almost a whole month. It felt like wasted time. But, I lost 7.4 lbs in the last 3 weeks... each time I danced like a crazy person on the scale. Finally, all my hard work is starting to pay off.

Fun fact: My phone adds almost a half pound to my weight (no more weigh ins with it in my pocket: lesson learned)

I've also been really good about being active everyday. At work, I've been taking a walk on my break on top of my tri training. I usually get at least 2 miles in. The weather has been really cooperative. I even felt weirdly antsy the day it was pouring rain. It's nice to think I'm starting to become someone who needs to exercise everyday or else I feel my day is just off.

Today was exactly a year since Kait and I left for our cross country road trip. I was about ten pounds lighter then I am now. I recognize that I am losing weight now, but sometimes I really don't feel like I'm losing it. I'm just RElosing the weight I gained back. So when I get back to the weight I was when we left, I will have make the effort and spent the time to lose 50 pounds. But after losing 50 pounds, I will only be 25 pounds lighter. It really sucks and if anything, I now know this feeling. I will use it to maintain my weight loss and prevent any more serious backslides because I sure as hell am not going to let this happen again.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you're keeping up the workouts. I don't know about your other readers, but I wouldn't mind knowing a little more about how much your training. Maybe when I see you cross the finish line I'll consider training for one? I don't know if I'm up to it though, that takes some serious motivation. You really are an inspiration!

    Oh, and I'll add again - YOU'RE AWESOME! Love you!! - Julie
