Monday, June 11, 2012

Couch to 5k

Today I started a Couch to 5k program. It's made by  As you know, I have serious doubts about my running (jog/walking) ability. Since I started training, I feel like I've been avoiding most run workouts. I mean I do them, but they usually turn into fast walks. So, I've spent the last two weeks walking almost everyday. I would sometimes walk twice a day, taking a long walk on my break at work. It was a win-win. I spent my break moving, and less of it eating. But, with only 11 weeks left til my first sprint triathlon, I can't afford to dance around the issue anymore. As I said before, I recently decided that I am going to make training fun and hopefully less stressful.

So here's the basic layout of my training week:

Monday: Couch to 5k - Strength Train
Tuesday: Swim 30 mins/Bike 35 mins
Wednesday: Couch to 5k - Strength Train
Thursday: Swim 30 mins/Bike 35 mins
Friday: Couch to 5k - Strength Train
Saturday: Couch to 5k
Sunday: I want to say that Sunday is a Rest day, but I honestly try to do at least a little bit of activity

The strength training that I do is straight from the Your First Triathlon book. It is made to specifically enhance the muscles you will need for all three activities and it only takes about 20 minutes or so. I like to include it because cardio is important, but it's not everything. The biking is just a basic ride outside mostly. Once a week, I try to do the bike at the gym and practice single leg drills. The swim is mostly freestyle laps, but I do incorporate swim drills (also from Your First Tri). I also will still be walking on my work breaks and I am taking the stairs at work.

So anywho, I wasn't really concerned about times or mileage with the walks I was taking the last 2 weeks, and as I start my Couch to 5k program I'm not concerned about speed or mileage either. I just want to be able to jog for 30 minutes straight. That way I figure I can throw a few minutes of walking in between the jogging and complete the 3 miles in a decent time. I tried a Couch to 5k program before but I never finished a whole workout because for the "run" part I would full out run. Today, I jogged (very penguin like) each minute, THE FULL MINUTE! I didn't push myself to run like a maniac, but I did jog. Maybe my jog is slower then some peoples very fast walk, but I did it. I managed to do each minute and because I took it at a comfortable pace I was able to finish the whole 30 minutes. So I jogged a total of 8 minutes today, and since I haven't really jogged without giving myself credit for doing so, I think it was the best 8 minutes I've experienced the whole time I've been training.

1 comment:

  1. Go, Carrie. Go, Carrie. (I'm doing the arm thingy, too. :))Isn't being able to run, if only for a short time, such a great feeling? I know what you mean about your run being someone else's fast walk. Today at the gym, I was at a 4.3 and the lady next to me was at a 5.2 or something (I may or not be a creeper to see how fast others are running, haha!) and I swore I was running just as fast as she was. I also completed the mile in less time than the treadmill said, so who knows. Don't you feel guilty when you take a rest day? Ugh! I definitely do and I need to remind myself all day that I deserve it! You deserve it, too!
