Monday, May 27, 2013

Bike the Drive 2: The Sequel

This weekend was a mix of being super active and super lazy.

Saturday: Run or Dye (with the addition of pushing a wheelchair)

Sunday: Bike the Drive/ Binge watching season 4 of Arrested Development

It was a great weekend and since I'm off today I decided to blog about the Ride before I forgot the details. I didn't meticulously log my day like I did last year but I promise I wasn't any less excited. I'm actually grateful for my record keeping of  last year because I thought I got up at 10 to four last year not 10 to five. I checked and decided to wake up at 4:35(AM). I didn't prepack the car like last year so I gave myself some extra minutes to remember how to jam my bike in the car because trust me, every time is a struggle. So I got ready and made sure I had everything and made it to the train by 5:20ish.

The main difference between this year and last year? Holy shit was it BRISK out yesterday. I froze my buns off. I wore my tri shorts because the only pants I have a jeans or black dress pants and the chafe that the jeans would have produced on a 30 mile ride would have been outrageous. Ouch. So I wore a long sleeve shirt under my Bike the Drive tshirt and I was still pretty damn cold. I brought a thin hooded "sweater" in my bag as well and I put that on after the first 7 miles. The only good part about the first 7 miles was the duo of older dudes who apparently only bike ride together to bitch about their wives and such. They were lighthearted about it and it was funny to listen to. They also kept trying to block the other from the photographers. Silly guys.

I started out at 6:10 and decided that because of the crazy leg cramps I got last year, I would tackle the hills on the north side loop first. I'll be honest, the first 7 miles were pretty awful. I was cold and tired and the sun wasn't exactly shining. The hills, which were a glorious source of cool breeze last year, were awful blasts of freezing cold air this year. I was literally cringing on the big downhill rides. So after stopping at the turn around, I extra layered up and set out to retackle the hills.

I am proud to report that I did not have to get off my bike at all to walk up the hills. I barrelled through and felt great until the down hill ride started. The ride back to the start was a little better but I was still lacking the amazing feeling that I had starting out last year. I saw less bike jerseys this year (because everyone was layered up) but I did see a SPAM one and that was weird. Healthy long bike rides and exercise aren't exactly coupled with SPAM very often. It had a picture of a giant can of SPAM on it and the pocket that hangs over the guys butt said "Super Tasty"...I hope he meant the SPAM...

After 15 miles the sun started to warm me, a little bit, and the wind died down, a little bit, and the flat course made me happier. I was finally really enjoying myself and my pace was increasing. I made to the Museum of Science and Industry in no time (about 30 minutes). I think it might have been because of the intimidating EliptiGo gang. There were 6 people riding in a pack and they were on those mobile elipticals. They make a weird scrapey whooshing noise and it sorta sounds like you're being chased by a broken robot. When I got to the rest stop I filled up my water bottle and grabbed a cookie and braved the line for the bathroom. I was probably at the turn around for a good 15-20 minutes but I needed the time to walk around and wiggle my toes because some of them were a bit numb.

So I headed out to finish the last of my miles and I finally felt great. The sun was really coming out (of course it would come out as I'm finishing - jerk sun) and I got back to the festival and actually didn't feel exhausted. Funny thing is I must have been hungry when I signed up for the ride because when I got my packet I had a ticket for breakfast included in my paper work. Oh past me, you know better then present me because I was pretty hungry when I finished. I found a sturdy tree and locked up my bike and went in search of the breakfast tent.

Now, if you know me, you know I'm not really a breakfasty person. Unless it's Eggs Benedict (one of my absolute FAVORITE things ever) with some very crispy bacon, I usually opt for lunch. So I was happier than a normal person would have been to discover that they had hot dogs. Woo Hot dogs! Since this is Chicago, they had all the fixins to make a proper Chicago dog which was a nice touch. The festival was crazy packed and since I was alone it wasn't really that fun wandering around. Plus, there are a bunch of idiots that don't bike valet or bring a bike lock so they drag their bikes with them through the fest and you get scraped by pedals and tires and jerks run your feet over without saying sorry or anything. Stupid jerks.

Roughly, It took me about 2 hours and 40 minutes to finish biking 30 miles. If you consider me taking the two breaks (about 25 mins total) that breaks down to about 4.5 minutes a mile. Not too bad. Despite the cold I really did have a great time. I love biking and it's always lovely to do it somewhere beautiful and traffic free. I really should try to drag my butt down to the lakefront trail more often.

Now that I'm feeling better (for the most part), it's time for me to really get into the swing of training. 2 months is gonna fly by and it'll be time to start my second triathlon before I know it. Before that happens, I still have 4 more episodes left of Arrested Development to watch so laziness for another 2 hours it is!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Colorful Time

Well, it turns out what I thought was allergies is most likely a crummy summer cold. I had big plans to get into a serious training rotation and ended up working out Monday and then spent the rest of the week trying feel better. I also was having some weird left knee pain...not exactly knee pain but like 'back of the left side of my knee' pain. On top of being unable to breathe, I figured giving the leg a rest would help and maybe prevent future injuries.

I wasted a few days this week taking Allegra and being miserable and doing absolutely nothing while I went through multiple Kleenex boxes. That's a lot of boogers and one unhappy Carrie. So after working Wednesday and being generally quite unpleasant and germy, I was instructed by my most trusted charge nurse Katie (with her extensive pharmaceutical knowledge) that I needed to take Mucinex. Since there are multiple kinds, I asked which one to get. She responded, "You need the D". Now if you are totally immature like myself, I hope you went into a fit a giggles like I did, because it was terribly funny.

So I got myself the D...Mucinex D and I feel a lot better. My Kleenex usage had drastically decreased and I was able to be active today without feeling like I was going to pass out. Yay!

Speaking of being active today, I did Run or Dye at Toyota Park today! It was a bunch of messy fun with some cool ladies. Mandee, Liz, Caitlin and I braved the semi cold weather and the gravel and had a good time. Mandee recently ruptured her Achilles so I pushed her for the three miles in a wheelchair while we got powdered dye tossed at us. After a few days of no exercise at all I was glad to get in 3miles and some upper body work - pushing a wheelchair over gravel is no picnic but it was worth it. We had a great time.

OH YEAH! I almost forgot! I got up a bit early today and went to Weight Watchers to weigh in. Even though I slacked on the exercise front I must have done something right this week because I lost 3.6 lbs!

May 25th Weigh In: -3.6 lbs.
Total Weight loss: 41.2 lbs
Weight: 243 lbs (told you I'd see that number again!)

I'll leave you with some pictures from our colorful day (stolen from one M. Delso)
Pre Dye Pic

The Dye is basically cornstarch...
not great for contacts

Me and Liz

All of us!

Don't Worry, It's a rental!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Good Morning

I hate being awake at this ungodly hour... now before you laugh at me calling 7am an ungodly hour you should probably know I've been up for about an hour already. Not that 6am is much...ungodlier (?) but I had minimal sleep due to the annoying allergies I seem to have developed in the last week or so. I am a unpleasantly sneezy, itchy eyed, and generally irritated. A great way to start my weekday weekend.

That's enough bitching. Can't help the weather and allergy inducing contents in the air.

Alrighty so I said last post I was going to maybe go back to posting weigh ins. In happy news, I lost 2.2lbs this week! Go me! I kept myself in check at Bunco on Friday and it really paid off.

Now, lets recap a bit since it's been a while since weights were posted. (yay. honest accountability.)

My lowest weight on record is the 2/16/13 weigh in : 238.8 (-45.5lbs)

I'd like to pretend I didn't gain exactly 10lbs back but I did, in fact, do that. On 5/11/13 I went back to weigh in after much awful terribleness and found my weight to be 248.8. How nice of my body to really stick it to me by gaining exactly 10lbs. On the bright side, I only gained 10lbs. I'd obviously prefer not to gain at all but at least it wasn't anything crazy like all the weight I lost or something horrific like that.

So here's the new stats:
May 18th Weigh In: -2.2 lbs.
Total Weight loss: 37.6 lbs
Weight: 246.6 lbs

I just want to say that my home scale is annoyingly and optimistically inaccurate and when I pre-weighed myself before heading to my meeting (yes I do that, don't judge me - I don't want any surprises) my scale said 243. I much prefer that number but I'll be back to it soon so I'm not worried.

That's enough with numbers and weights for now. Let's talk about the important stuff like fitness and training. I'm starting my multi sport rotation training today. I've included some strength training because I am terribly weak, especially upper body wise. Seriously, you should watch me try to do a push up, it's pathetic. I'm excited to get back in the pool and I always love hopping on my bike so I just have to muddle through the run and I'll be fine come August.

I'm also not taking any summer classes because I decided to (once and for all) switch schools. I'll be starting at Trinity in September for the Dual Special/Regular Education program. I'm super nervous and really excited. I'm also taking a couple classes at Moraine so I decided I'd give myself the summer before I get sucked into accelerated schooling for 2 solid years. The best part of the summer, is the fact that we are switching to twelve hour shifts at work to cover someone on leave. It's wonderful because I'm getting a few more hours a pay period and working less days. I am literally working 12 days in June.

Best. Summer. Ever. (Hopefully).

Now I really want to go back to bed because I am finally tired and ungunky in my sinuses but what kind of in-training behavior would that be? Time to strap into my armor-like sports bra and start pumping iron! It's arms day!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hey There 2013

Well Hello There.

It's sure been a while since I've blogged. It's be a long Spring semester and now that it's over and I have the summer to myself I decided I would try to blog about the road to my second triathlon.

YES! I am doing another! Honestly, I've talked about being able to call myself a triathlete before and even though I have completed one, I don't feel like a "triathlete". So perhaps if I make this a yearly thing I'll feel comfortable telling folks I'm a triathlete. Until then, it's training time!

As you may remember, I have a nemesis and it's name is THE RUN. I've been making strides (haha) in that department though I'm still terrified. This year the run is a complete 5k, 3.1 miles. That's 1.1 miles more than last year. (AHHHH!) I should also remind you that I walked most of the 2 miles last year. In March I started the Couch to 5k program up again and got 4 weeks in. At that point I was jogging almost 5 minutes at a time. I even got close to getting a 13 minute mile. Unfortunately, I got real lazy for a week or two around my birthday and lost all the ground I had gained. I also made all the progress on the treadmill which is convenient but not practical for road race purposes. Evergreen HS has a nice track that's open to the public and I have been jogging there. I like that it is gentle on my knees and I can keep track of my mileage. I also have spent some time at Yukich Field. They have a .5 mile loop that is good for distance tracking purposes. I also enjoy lapping the old ladies who faithfully truck along, it gives me a sense of accomplishment when I pass them a few times in my travels. Woo Hoo! I'm faster than old ladies!

I started training officially when I signed up for the Tri back in April. I've been focusing on the run and the bike and I haven't actually been in the pool yet. The swim was my strongest sport in August but, of course, I need to practice. So starting next week I'm hopping back in the pool and creating a good multisport rotation for training. That extra 1/2 mile isn't gonna swim itself.

As I said, I started training in April but I didn't get serious until this month. In May, I decided that it would be NO SODA, NO CANDY, NO FRENCH FRIES month. It has been insanely hard. I also decided it was WORK OUT EVERYDAY month. At the halfway mark, I think I've been mostly successful. I only took one day off of working out. I did have sprite accidentally in a small limeade (which I wasn't aware of until I noticed the carbonation- isn't limeade supposed to not have soda in it?) and had a two mint melt aways on Mothers Day. BUT! I haven't had a single french fry and more importantly I only been to McDonald's twice and that was on the day of my finals and Mothers Day for the new Egg White McMuffin which is pretty good and not so terrible for you WW points wise.

Ahh yes, Weight Watchers. Well after a few month long absence I returned towards the end of March and discovered that I had gained back some of the pounds I had tried so hard to lose. Then I was stupid and didn't go back for a while because I was upset about gaining. The school stress certainly played into my gain but I can't make excuses, I just need to move on and fix my behaviors and eating habits. So with my Tri training I decided that I definitely need to go to meetings to make sure I don't gain back all the weight I've lost. I went back to my regular Saturday meeting last week and I have every intention to go back this Saturday. I'll start posting weigh in results next week... maybe.

There you have it. For the most part I've tried to keep my fitness level up and my weight down. I've had some set backs but I'm not gonna let it get me down. I am trying really hard to build up my run endurance and feel confident by the time August rolls around. So stay tuned because this year I am going to kick ass and take names on August 11th when I complete the Iron Girl Sprint Triathlon.