Friday, April 18, 2014

Bringing it Back

Oh. Hello there.

I thought because I wasn't actively working towards a triathlon, or anything in particular really, I couldn't post on this blog. I made a new blog that I abandoned after two posts because it just didn't have the same feeling. So, I am going to go back to blogging here. No sweeping declarations. No excuses. No long winded update. I can't promise I'm going to write a lot. Maybe, I'll even write too much. Who knows.  All I know is that I missed having this outlet and I'm bringing it back.

Today was wonderful. I know that's weird to say when there is still so much of the day left, but it was. The weather is so lovely. It's a bit 'cold' or 'chilly' for most, but I love a good sunny day (even if it's barely 50 and sort of breezy). I didn't get much sleep last night so I thought I was going to be crabby today. I've gotten in this terrible habit of sleeping 9-11 hours the last couple nights. I told a friend at work I thought I might have a 'touch of the depression'. Which is probably true. So Rachael told me I needed some Vitamin D, and I believe she was right. I also benefited from seeing her pretty face today, as well.

Let me pause here to get my giggles out. I know I'm twenty seven years old but "D", whether you are referring to the vitamin or the allergy type decongestant, always makes me laugh inappropriately. Tehehe, she said I needed 'the D'...

So now then *puts serious face on* where was I? Yes, the sun. It's so sunny and nice out today. I hear tomorrow is going to be even better. To add to the wonderfulness of the sun, I also had my second favorite breakfast food - chicken chilaquiles - and saw The Muppets Most Wanted with Rachael. Oh! We also wandered around a cool consignment shop and I found something nice for Kait.

To a fault, one of my most favorite things to do is buy things for other people. Not big things, not even expensive things. You will know that I care about you if I've bought you some random little thing - just because. I try to remember favorites, like candy, or animal (you get what I'm getting at). I also try to remember random things.

After I got home, I decided I was going to take a nap, being tired and all. Fate intervened though, I forgot to stop at the post office. Since it's so nice I decided to walk there and that 'short walk' turned into me choosing to keep going three separate times and walking over 1.5 miles. While I was walking, I was mostly smiling and generally enjoying myself. I started to think about things that I am grateful for, or things that make me happy. I'm going to try and do this more often. Today, I was thankful for the weather, spending my first true day off all week with my friend, my legs, my adorable dogs, Macklemore, John Green, movie popcorn, Milkduds, crosswalks, monthly Bunco plans, Angry Orchard gluten free hard cider, Snyder's gluten free pretzel sticks, my parents, and the fact that I still have two more days off.

Last night, I spent time watching movies with Kait and Sam. I laughed so hard I nearly peed... twice. I have so much fun with them. We watched the first bit of The Avengers and I want to say I am thankful for that movie, particularly the scene where Chris Evans is boxing, and specifically the close up of his tush.

(Hey, no one said my thankfulness had to be deep or profound)

Yep, I'm secretly eighty. I play Bunco and I use the word 'tush'.

I'll leave you with this: Did you know the guy who plays Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit movies is the guy who blows up the super soldier lab and kills Dr. Erskine in Cap #1?

Not cool Thorin, not cool.