Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Apologies, Excuses, and Awesomeness

Alrighty Folks, hunker down. This is gonna be a long one...

First of all, Good Morning! Happy glorious Blackhawktastic Tuesday to you!

I'm not really sure where to start since it's been about a month between posts. I am terribly sorry for my lack of updating. Every time I would think, "Hey I should blog" something would catch my attention (admittedly it was usually old episodes of Bones or Castle...I blame TNT) and I would wander away from my computer all distracted-like.

"Hey Girl, you don't need to blog right now."

This whole month of June has been packed full of activities and long days at work. As I mentioned earlier I started 14 hour shifts but they have led to many wonderful days off so I am hesitant to complain for fear that the god of ungrateful complainers will come and smite my ass.

I just HATE sitting down for that long. I know it's a horrible thing to complain about and people spend long hours working on their feet everyday (doing manual labor and what not - like my Dad) and I am by no means saying I have it worse at all, but sitting is so terrible for you! I try to get up a few times every hour and take a lap around the floor. I also try to put away charts after I do the orders so that they don't pile up and I have to get up more often. Truly sometimes I'm just straight up lazy and tired because 14 hours is just a really long time to do anything. Yep, I'm complaining about how sitting a lot makes me tired...smite me ohh mighty smiter!

Working the long hours has made my training a bit difficult. When you work 7a-9p on the weekends and it's a swim day and the gym is only open 8a-8p the universe kind of works against you. It's been hard and sometimes I let my schedule get away from me. I have been a little inconsistent with my workouts and because of this I've been restarting the C25k program about every 2 weeks. After I have 2 or 3 days in a row of not running I start back at Week 1 Day 1 because I just assume I've lost all the progress I've made.

Allow me to let you in on the awesomeness portion of the post... this morning I was restarting the C25k program again and after jogging for the minute I was like screw this I can totally jog longer than a minute. Well let me tell you what, after warming up with a 5 minute walk, I jogged 5 minutes, then I walked 5, then I jogged another 5 minutes, then I walked 5 more, then I jogged another 5 minutes, walked 2 more and then jogged for the last 2 minutes - stopping when I hit 2miles. I think it's because of my sweet new kicks...

Yes, they are obnoxious and pink and I love them <3

DID YOU HEAR ME READER? I JOGGED 17 WHOLE MINUTES TODAY!! I did 2 miles in 34 minutes. Which is a not super impressive 17 minute mile and while it's not my fastest minute/mile by far, it was my most consistent jog/walk ever. Before today I never did more than like 4 minutes of jogging at a time and that was only once during a 30 minute workout. Basically I feel awesome. I also recently got in the pool and I am already swimming the length of the tri distance during my training swims. The bike has never been a problem for me so I am feeling pretty confident with 7 weeks left to go. I'm going to try and work my swim up and really get a solid start so I can be less freaked out about the 5k waiting for me at the end.

Now let's cover the weigh ins. I haven't weighed in since my last update. I've had a lot of busy Saturdays this month. Two weddings, a trip to Six Flags, and a long day at work have prevented me from getting to my meetings. I really don't want to change meeting days but I won't be able to make it the next two Saturdays either because I'm working 7a-9p the next two weekends. I can tell you from hopping on my home scale, not much has changed. I've had some days of being really good and some days of being not so good. Like yesterday is an example of no so goodness, I had a Corona-rita and some tasty spinach artichoke dip while watching the Blackhawks kick butt.

Hawks Win!

But I think that's okay because it was awesome and delicious and so much fun. Really, I've just been enjoying my summer because come September it's super serious go time. School and work will be my life for 2 years. I don't mean that to sound like a bad thing either. I'm really excited for my cohort to start and graduation will be here before I know it.

My scale hasn't really changed but I feel like maybe my body has. I used to have to get 2XL shirts. Always. No questions asked. Well, I started dabbling in the XL size when I got my Bike the Drive shirt and I haven't looked back. I bought some XL workout tanks from Old Navy, a sweet XL Blackhawks Patrick Sharp shirt, and my first pair of Yoga pants. Also, when I started shopping at Lane Bryant I was a very large, very sad size 22/24. I bought a lovely dress for wedding festivities at this same store and wore it Saturday and it was size 14/16! So I may not have solid weight loss for you but I have some really great Non-Scale Victories. Oh! And when I was at Six Flags I didn't have any problem fitting into anything and I can't wait to go back.

Old friends, new dress <3

So that's my month in a nutshell. I'll weigh in again on July 13th (it's my next Saturday morning off) and I'll keep running. I'll also keep swimming and make my favorite part of the tri my strongest. I look forward to enjoying my summer. I also can't wait for the day I fit into Large shirts (hold the X please) on the regular. I'm going to lunches and dinners with friends I love. I'm looking forward to Bunco on Friday. I'm doing 1000 piece puzzles with Kait and Sam. Kait and I have also taken up gardening. Basically we're little old ladies.

I'm just really happy right now.