Thursday, July 19, 2012

Long Time No Blog

38 days left.

The last couple weeks have been hard. I have danced that fine line between wanting to work as hard as humanly possible and totally giving up. I also considered not updating this blog anymore. Obviously, I decided against it. If only to update my far reaching support on my progress.

The turning point was Saturday. I got up and decided after 3 weeks of missing meetings for some excuse or another that I would go back to weight watchers and see what damage I had done. I spent those off weeks barely tracking and working out very sporadically. I was surprised to find that I had hit my 5% goal. I had lost 5% of my body weight. I mean it's not a lot, but my 5% is quite a bit more than other peoples. I decided that if I could lose weight without really trying, only vaguely being aware of trying to eat a bit better, imagine what I could do if I was really giving it my all?

Of course, I have all the time in the world to lose. I only have 38 days left to train. I've actually roped my sister into sometimes doing the run parts with me. We also are signing up for the Firefly 5k on September 15th. It sounds really fun and were going to most likely run/walk, which is totally okay.

This week has been really good. Fortified by my weight loss and my new goal (Hit my 10% by the Tri) I've been on point with my training. Running outside has been difficult and a little more painful than treadmill running. I run at the E.P. high school track, which is easier on my knees and it's easy to keep track of distance. 4 times around = 1 mile. Very simple.

I even tried a pilates dvd yesterday and man does my ass hurt. The woman on the dvd is crazy fit and super thin and expects a lot out of you, even in the modified exercises. I didn't even make it through the whole dvd to be honest and my gut (I can't in good conscience call them ABS) and butt hurt in a way that makes me feel like if I keep with the dvd I may have a flatter stomach and tighter tush if I keep with it.

I got an encouraging text as I sat down to write today. It's like she knew I was blogging again! "Float, roll, stroll!!! Sending good training vibes your way!" I've got say, float, roll, stroll is so much less intimidating then swim, bike, run. I like it. Thank you Julie :)

Alrighty. Truth time. So back in the day, when I wrote about noticing I had signed up for the SUPER sprint (1/4mi swim, 10mi bike, 2mi run) instead of the Sprint (1/2mi swim, 14mi bike, 3mi run). I said I had fixed the situation right away. Well, I had tried to fix the situation right away, but the site was down at the time and I have yet to change from the super to the regular sprint. Honestly, I don't think I'm going to. I'm scared that if I do the regular sprint that I won't finish. This isn't some bull shit excuse that I'm using to go easy on myself. It's also not me not giving myself enough credit. I think the super sprint is going to be pretty damn challenging. It's really the 3 mile run at the end of the regular sprint that scares me. I really think after the swim and the bike, I won't be able to do the whole 3 miles without collapsing. More importantly, it's my first triathlon. I think it makes sense to start with the smallest and work my way up.

I was worried I would be disappointed with myself only doing the super sprint. At first, I was. I felt like I was giving up and letting myself and everyone else down. That everyone coming to see me would be stupid for coming out for just a lowly SUPER sprint triathlon. But screw that. I'm still doing a freaking triathlon. I, a 25 year old, 100+ pounds over weight (no, I am not exaggerating), non runner, am doing a super sprint TRIATHLON. I hope that by doing the super I am avoiding the terrible sense of failure I would feel if I didn't finish the regular sprint. I really feel like I can finish the super sprint and definitely not be last. I also think that by doing the super sprint and succeeding, I could be establishing a real love of the tri that could be ruined if I try the regular sprint and fail. Baby steps people, baby steps.

So that's it. I'm back. I've got 38 days til the Super Sprint Triathlon in Pleasant Prairie,Wisconsin and I'm pretty excited and crazy nervous.