Friday, March 30, 2012


I've learned a lot these past three weeks. I can get all mushy on you and tell you how I've learned things about myself...which I have... but I think the most important thing I've learned is how essential good equipment is.  Besides a swim suit, a bike, and some good running shoes there are so many other things that you need to make the goal of finishing a TRI a reality.
Don't forget to bring a towel!
Besides the all important emotional support that you need (and that I have definitely been receiving, thank you) you need physical support. I'm talking good socks, comfortable goggles, a clean towel, and a good bra. I don't mean for this to be a product placement post, these are just things I have found to make my experience a more enjoyable one and I want to share.

I joke around a lot, but days I forget my towel are miserable. I'm either trying to dry myself off with paper towels or burning my skin from the disinfectant I slap on the machines for fear of who was on them before me. Who knows what germs are lurking around the gym? The guys from South Park are so right. Always bring a towel. (You can omit the getting high part)

I could not have made it through these past weeks without my Enell sports bra. Seriously. As a busty gal, I envy --and secretly hate-- those girls who can spend 15 bucks on a sports bra at Target and be on their way. I, at first, would be embarrassed to tell anyone how much I spent on my sports bra but let me tell you, it's a life saver. For the low price of $60 you too can own a piece of pink, boob crushing armor. This thing is so sturdy and well constructed I can take a flight of stairs without a single bounce. What black magic is this you may ask? This thing fits like a small bullet proof vest and has TWELVE hooks in the front. TWELVE! Your average bra has like 2 or 3. It makes running and biking so much easier and looks like shiny pink armor. It just screams, "This is not a drill folks, I am not screwing around here." Of course I'm always wearing a shirt over it, but you get my point. Any bra that can make me look nearly flat chested is a miracle. Supporting the girls is key.

Besides my overwhelming love of my sports bra, I also find myself spending, what I believe to be too much money on socks. If you told me I'd be spending money on "good" socks before I started training, I would have told you that you are crazy. Socks are socks. But I was very wrong. There are good socks. Really good socks. I used to spend 6 bucks on a BAG of socks. Now, I prefer the brand SOFSOLE. They have a cushioning that really saves my heels. I still refuse to pay 10 dollars for one pair. (I mean seriously just one?) But I get 3 good pairs for that amount and I don't hate it. Plus they come in cute colors.

So there you go. Considering TRI training? (And happen to be a woman?) Support your immune system, your breasts, and your feet. Get some decent socks, a nice absorbent towel, and strap your girls in for the bumpy ride and you'll have a much better time.

(pictures: roundedoff, runnersretreat, and sportscrazy forum)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

No Eye Contact.

I think I should start carrying fliers to the gym and every time someone starts to talk to me, I can hand them one, smile, and go back to what I was doing.
Here's what it would say...

Hi! My name is Carrie. Thank you for you interest in what I'm doing but

1. I do not need a personal trainer. You see me here at least 4-5 days a week and I think I'm going pretty well on my own. Thank you.
2. I'm sure it's impressive, but I don't care how many reps, how much weight, how many laps, or how long you've been on that machine.
3. Kindly wipe your nasty ass sweat off that machine, I would like to use it without getting an STD.
4. Please put on some clothes.
5. Seriously...put on some clothes.
6. Could you please hang up your phone? I'm not here to listen to your conversations while you are screaming over the noise of all the other machines.
7. Just because we made eye contact, doesn't mean I want to hear your life story.
8. Truly, when you have to grunt that loudly to finish a rep, I think that means it's time to take it a bit easier... I don't want you to over strain yourself and watch you shit your pants.
9. If you are going to impede my progress by running to a machine to claim it as your own, kindly use the damn thing, you aren't the only one trying to workout here.
10. Steroids are known to do A LOT of damage to your downstairs area, I think you should lay off for a while.
11. Really? Who wears jeans to the gym?
12. Headphones. Use them.
13. (Blank for the purpose of a write in)

I would circle the best option and hand it over. I think it would make my experience at the gym a much better one.

Today a nice older gentleman would have gotten a #2 today while we were swimming. I was pausing between a lap and he looks over and nods (like one would nod whilst saying "sup") and says 'looking good over there'. I roll my eyes, thankfully my goggles are still on, and say thank you. In kindness, because I knew that's what he was fishing for, I said 'you too'. Mistake. Big mistake. He talked for like 5 minutes trying to impress me with his swim lingo ("Yeah, I'm just working on my 100yd. I.M. Oh sorry, I mean individual medley. That's when you change your stroke each length of the pool...") Bitch I know what an I.M. is! I was on the swim team when I was younger. Just cuz I'm only rocking out freestyle, doesn't mean I don't know other strokes exist!

I finally got back to swimming and ended up doing 10 laps. Again, not really impressive but my "recovery time" between laps is significantly shorter than it was before. I'm still supposed to be stopping after each length and catching my breath. Also, the swim for the TRI is equal to 18 laps so I'm getting there.

 I couldn't tell if this guy was hitting on me or if he just needed someone to tell him how awesome he was. I don't frequently get hit on so, who knows. I am curious though. Maybe my training is causing me to gain some confidence that is making me more approachable? Yesterday, an EMT at work called me gorgeous and I laughed at him and he looked genuinely confused and perhaps a little hurt (?) He told me it was a shame I didn't get greeted like that all the time. It was sweet but so completely different then what I'm used to. I'm sure he was just being nice and I should just take the compliment, but it's hard for me and I'm still trying to figure out if he was just maybe joking around for his partners hey look at me make this secretaries day by calling her something nice, or really thought I was cute and was upset that I laughed at him.

Either way, swim guy was also disappointed with me and got out of the pool after our little chat. I wasn't trying to be mean, I just think swimming is a very individual thing and I enjoy the time to myself I get while I workout. It's a nice time to clear my head and just relax. I don't mean to be antisocial but if you see me at the gym, smile and wave and just let me do my thing. We can talk all you want in the locker room. (Provided you are fully clothed)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

So Far, So Good

Well, it's been a few days and I have to say training is going according to plan. Out of the last 14 days I have worked out on twelve of them. Yay!

I also made a big step yesterday. I went back to Weight Watchers.

Because It Works
The slogan is an accurate one. It does work. If you work the program, the program works for you. Honestly, I have this pipe dream goal of maybe becoming a meeting leader one day. Of course, I have a substantial amount of weight to lose so perhaps that will be a long term goal.

It's more about little victories. Like dragging my ass out of bed or pushing through a tough sprint. Today I had a little victory. While doing a 20 min walk/run on the treadmill I noticed I had run (well, fastly jogged) a whole minute and I wasn't dead. I didn't even feel like my lungs would explode or that familiar cramp on my right side gut. I can tell you I had the biggest smile on my face, grinning like an idiot - I was. The run walk portion only lasted 10 minutes. 5 run/5walk. I know it's not a lot in the grand scheme of a 3 mile run (I only ended up at 1.4 miles after 20 mins) but I didn't feel like a was struggling with the running until my last minute, but even then I got through the whole minute! Woo!

Tomorrow starts week 3 and I have a bunch of 2 sport workouts to do but I feel confident and excited to start this new week. I'm also excited to see what my results will be on Saturday, training and tracking with WW will hopefully yield some decent results. We shall see!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Love Letter

I got an envelope today...

Thank you Julie. You crazy, wonderful, thoughtful person, you.

I'll admit, I cried a bit. But it was a happy cry that made me feel like I could get through anything. It also made me feel like as ass because I have those damn sunglasses sitting on my desk and I have been meaning to send them for months now. I'm sorry. I will send them tomorrow. I am so lucky to have met you all those years ago. I miss you so much and you can't know how important your comments are. My Jupiterian friend, you are the best.

Are you doing anything August 26th? Can I, perhaps pay half your airfare and see you when I cross the finish line? Think about it!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Focus on Nutrition Time

... starting Thursday...

I've followed the plan in the book 100% so far. I actually worked out 7 days in a row. Hooray for little victories, I've never done that before. I took Monday off and got back into it today. But training isn't just about the workouts. I have to start really considering what I'm eating. So, tomorrow is my birthday. I've decided that's a silly day to start eating well. Especially when you have reservations at Hamada - no one can resist those noodles, they're awesome. So change starts Thursday.

When people make changes or resolutions for the year, they usually do it on the first of the year. Well I say "Suck it" (DX style of course) to those cliche resolutioners. ((If you are a resolutioner I apologize, I'm sure you are doing great)) I am going to make a change starting March 22. I am going to make my 25th year my best so far. When I turn 26 I am going to do it in style as a healthier, stronger, and more physically fit person.

I know that week 2 is a bit early to declare a love of triathlon. I mean I haven't actually done an event yet, but I can really see myself getting into this. If, excuse me, when I make it through training and complete the event I can't just go back to doing nothing. So I think I'd like to do a couple sprint tri's next year and just keep training. Some people do a "tri season" and do a tri a month during the summer. I know I'm getting ahead of myself, so I'll just have to see how #1 goes and then go from there.

There is a chapter in each book I got on triathlons that focuses on nutrition. I'm going to read over them again and gather information. I'm not sure, though, that I need to eat like an athlete yet. I did find success with Weight Watchers last year. I lost and kept off 25 lbs for more than half the year and because I thought I didn't need meetings anymore, I gained a little more than half of it back. I'm embarrassed to admit it but admitting to a problem is half the battle. I have a problem with food and I'm working on it. Sometimes I wish I could hire someone to stand next to me and slap food out of my hand. Any takers? I can pay you in books...

I have to be my own solution. I can't expect someone else to do my workouts and regulate what I eat. I have to do that and I will do that. When I turn 26 I will be a triathlete and I will be stronger (hopefully emotionally as well as physically) and I will be half way through my degree program at Trinity. I can't wait to put 24 behind me and I look forward to who I will be when I celebrate my 26th birthday. Turning 25 isn't so scary after all, actually I'm really looking forward to it.

...Yes, I did make a wrestling reference back in the second paragraph. Deal with it! :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Swim, Bike, no Run

It was a long time coming, but today I finally did what needed to be done for a few weeks now...


Moving on. So I know I've only added a few posts, and this is kind of soon, but I want to thank my readers. The few of you ((that I know of)) make me feel so special. Thank you. I appreciate the encouragement.

Yesterday's swim wasn't as eventful as my first swim, but I was much more comfortable in the water and managed a few more laps than the first time. My comfort was enhanced by the new open swim goggles I bought. They allow you to see 180 degrees and the edges are super sucky (as in suctioned to my face - a good thing) that I am slightly concerned for my eyeballs. They also have UV protection for when your swimming outside. Quite fancy. I look very silly, but they work.

Goofy right? Function, not fashion.
Sidebar: After swimming, mid day margaritas kind of negated any positive contributions to training but it was so much fun. Also I got sunburned in the middle of March?

Today I biked at the gym. It was a rough one because I had to alternate pedaling with just one foot. I understand it's supposed to strengthen my legs and such but (imagine a five year old whining) it's so hard! It's also slightly impractical because I don't have toe clips* on my actual bike yet so I can only do the drill, and utilize the pulling up motion, at the gym. Otherwise, training is going as planned, today was day six.

Have a Happy St. Paddy's Day!

*Toe clips are the strappy things that keep your foot secured to the pedal so you can pedal more efficiently because you aren't just slamming on the pedals to create speed, you can actually push down and then pull up with each rotation. (You can also Google toes clips for a more accurate description because I am not a bike parts expert)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Zombie Fodder

(Source: regalthreads)
If I was on The Waking Dead, my character wouldn't even have a name. I would be Zombie Victim #6.

If the Zombie Apocalypse happened right now, I'd be the fat guy from Zombieland running on the football field getting taken down by a zombie. I would be the person kept around because if our group was attacked, they would have a chance to get away while the zombies are tearing into me. Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg's character) was right. Rule #1 - Cardio

Can you guess how my first run session went?

Today was a strides, or sprints, workout. The plan is to alternate walking one minute and running one minute for nine minutes for a warm up. Then sprint (at not quite your max speed) for 100yds, walk back then run again, repeating for 4-6 times. Finally a cool down of brisk walking for 5 minutes.

The first ten minutes was a pathetic struggle for me. I'd say the first run minute went okay. I was pretty winded but I made the whole minute, after that I have to be honest, I barely made it 30 or 40 seconds before I thought my lungs would explode. Now understand I only had to run 4 minutes total to begin, not even all together. Pathetic. So obviously I took more than one minute to catch my breath before I started the sprints.

The sprints went better than the walk/run did. I think its because it didn't take me a whole minute to sprint (stride) the 100 yards. I ran or at least jogged in a fast like manner for the 100 yards. I walked back to my starting point like a doomed man walks to the gallows, sadly and slowly. I felt awful. But instead of quitting after 4 (remember I had to do 4-6) I forced myself to do one more and did 5 sprints.

As I was doing my 5 minute cool down - a.k.a. my slow, extra long, shameful walk to the car - a woman who was walking the track with a rolling walker smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I gave her a weak smile and thanked her, telling her she was looking good and moving faster then I was. She laughed and told me that she was in a wheelchair for many years and that it doesn't matter how fast she moves, just that she can and she does. I congratulated her and told her to keep up the good work and told me to do the same.

In my head I thought, what good work? My face was red, my right foot had a weird side cramp, and I was breathing like someone who was hyperventilating. But I guess she was right. I can move and I did all the moving my body allowed, so I guess I can count today as a win.

Today I declare the 3 mile run portion of my TRI, my nemesis. That way, when I finish, I can feel like a super hero.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Wind in my (leg) Hair

Guess who needs to shave her legs? Yikes.

Tuesday I did my first bike training. A nice, easy 20 minute ride. It was beautiful out and I am thankful for how great the weather is this week. I'd have to say my first two days of training were pretty successful. I'm a bit sore - mostly my thighs and arms - but I know it's gonna be worth it so I am not complaining. Actually I'm a bit proud... my muscles hurt from my TRI training... doesn't that sound awesome?

I am telling anyone who will listen that I have signed up for the triathlon. Now, this is not me fishing for someone to congratulate me, I haven't actually done anything yet. This is me fishing for said person to perhaps remember I am training and ask me about it days or weeks later. Accountability. I would feel like a total ass if someone asks me how it's going and I have to mumble something about how I gave up. SO! If you see me, ask me how my training is going so you can remind me that I am not allowed to give up. (Thank you in advance.)

Last night I told a few people at work about my triathlon and one of the Rn's, told me that she knows I'm gonna do great and that she would take a day off so she could be there to see me finish. I wanted to cry. I couldn't believe the confidence she had in me. This is the second co worker who has expressed interest in being there waiting for me at the finish line. I expected my family to be there, but I never imagined having more than that. I am a lucky, lucky girl.

Today was swim day. I would call today successful because I did actually get in the pool and I did swim but not much else went right. First of all, I am extremely glad there was no one in the locker room to see me put on my swim cap.

Close your eyes and imagine a comic version of Carrie struggling with a perceived garbage bagged sized silicone cap...see me pulling it down past my arms, my elbows trapped...picture me yanking the cap off, leaving me bald...picture me stuck in the cap like a giant body condom...picture me going to town on said cap with a pair of garden shears...

I promise you all these things went through my head in a Scrubs-like daydream. It did take me an embarrassingly long time to put the cap on and I hated every minute of it. Finally, after the cap was on I got into the pool. As I began swimming I noticed a nice old gentleman trying to pick up an equally nice old woman with the promise of a rousing game of bingo, after Aquarobics of course. (Not joking) Then the woman left he began loudly singing while swimming backstroke THE WHOLE TIME. (Also not joking)

Sidebar: Anti fog swim goggles are a lie. A lie.

So I finish my swim. Today was just an easy 20 minute swim -see the pattern of week one yet?- and I managed to not drown so I consider it a win. But know this! I HATE SHOWERING AT THE GYM!!!! You never have enough room for all your crap on the ONE hook, at least one person will see you naked, and you can never get completely dry.

Also, singing old swimmer guy could still be heard while I was showering. His lovely voice echoed through the tiled room like a bullet trained for my ears.

Worst part: I forgot my bra.

Tomorrow is my first run day. It's also high time I shave my legs. Stayed tuned folks.

Monday, March 12, 2012

First Steps

Today I learned that you should always bring an extra hair tie to the gym. Why you ask? Well maybe you would know better than me and you aren’t asking but I’m going to tell you anyway. When the one you have snaps, working out with hair in your face sucks a whole lot.

This wasn’t my first time in the gym, but it’s the first time I really was there with purpose.  Today is the first day of my sprint triathlon training. I am going to swim a ½ mile, bike 12 miles, and run 3 miles in the same day, one right after the other.  Now if you’ve ever met me, you will understand how silly this seems. I’m not athletic. I am not a “swimmer”, “cyclist”, or (and I stress this one seriously) a “runner”.  I am just a gal who is turning 25 next week and I don’t have much to show for it. Sometimes I feel like I’m just waiting for my life to start.  Like I’m waiting for when I finally finish school and start my career, which are still a few years off. So I’m stressing about the things I can’t change (you can only work so many hours and take so many classes at the same time) and I am going to change the only thing I have complete authority over  – myself.

Enter: Slow Fat Triathlete by Jayne Williams. I found this book while I was browsing and thought, well hell – I’m slow and fat, this books for me! It was. It was funny and informative and got me thinking that even though I am not an athlete at all, maybe I could become a TRIathlete.  So I did some research and did what I do best, I bought some more books! After spending a lot of time with Your First Triathlon by Joe Friel and Triathlons for Women (4th ed.) by Sally Edwards, I decided that I might as well TRI. (Yes, this corny joke will be a recurring one- deal with it!)

So I modified some training plans for the next 25 weeks and I will be doing my best (aren’t you glad I didn’t day TRI-ing) to get my fat ass into a shape that is, hopefully, less round and finish the Danskin Women’s Sprint Triathlon on August 26th with a smile on my face. I have no crazy ambitions. I just want to finish…and preferably not be last.

Why the blog? Well. Some folks (mostly Kait, my sister) will tell you I have a tendency to get into something and then forget about it. Well, I will record my effort in this blog and hold myself accountable for my training with it. I also paid the non refundable entry fee of $100 so I would hate to waste the money.

I am excited and terrified.