Sunday, December 30, 2012

Good News Everyone!

I really hope you read the title like Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth from Futurama...

Good News!

If not, that's okay. The news is still good. I weighed in Saturday (last weigh in of the year) and I knew I had lost a bit. I didn't weigh in on the 22nd (I had to work 12hrs) so I had certain hopes for the 29th.
December 29nd Weigh In: -9.2 lbs
Total Weight loss: 38 lbs
Weight: 246.2 lbs

Yes. You read that right. In two weeks I lost 9.2 pounds! Suck it! Be gone stupid plateau!! Haha!

Sorry, I'm very elated. I know its not the solid 40lbs I was hoping for but I'm pretty confident I'll smash that goal on my Jan. 5th weigh in. I'm really happy with the progress I've made this year. I know it's not some crazy number, but damn it, it's my number and it's a good one for me. I can tell you about all the weeks I was lazy and ate terribly but that won't change anything. It's also not constructive. My loss hasn't been lightning fast and I've had some slip ups and some discouraging plateau action, but in 9 months I have lost 38 pounds. That's roughly 4 pounds a month and I'm pretty proud of myself. Oh, I also biked 30 miles in one day and completed a freaking big deal.

I was talking to a friend about my blog the other day and they told me that they don't like to read it because I'm negative and basically I'm not very nice to myself. I understand that a lot of my writing is not exactly positive and it got me thinking. As the year comes to an end and most people are declaring weight loss as their new year's resolution, I think mine will be simple and too the point:

Be Kind.

I need to be kinder. To myself (and to others).

I am hard on myself. I think everyone is hardest on themselves, ya know that whole "your own worst critic" thing. I think that being hard on myself sometimes is the only thing that gets my ass out the door and to the gym some days but it's also a source of unnecessary guilt when I don't exactly follow the plan I made for the day.

So I will be kind to myself. I will accept that my weight loss journey is different from anyone else's and I can't compare my results. I will understand that even though I may be giving 100%, my week's won't always give me amazing results. I am human. I am going to struggle but I am also going to have great successes. I am 12 pounds away from losing 50! How awesome is that? I've never lost that much, ever. I already blasted past the 24lbs I have lost previously. I am waiting (impatiently) for sign up to open for the Danskin Tri 2013, and I will being completing the regular Sprint this year, three miles of jogging and all. I also am terrifiedly looking forward to venturing to Swallow Cliff for the first time. I can't wait to do Bike the Drive in May again and actually running the Firefly Run with Kait in September.

I can't wait to see what I am able to accomplish in 2013.

So here's the deal. I'm going to start training for August...tomorrow. I'm going to go to the gym in the morning and then everyday thereafter. I'm not going to beat myself if I miss a day. I'm just going to press on and go the next day. I'm going to stick with weight watchers because it works for me. I'm going to make good food choices, but I'm also going to enjoy the hell out of cheat meals.

It's been a long, stressful, crazy, awesome year and as 2013 begins, I'm going to try to love myself enough to accept that I am doing everything to the best of my ability and that one day I'll hit my goals.

I got this.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Damage Control

December 8th Weigh In: -0.4 lbs.
Total Weight loss: 35.2 lbs
Weight: 249.0 lbs

I've been at this plateau for some time now. I would say that I've stayed at the same weight for almost two whole months...until now...

December 15th Weigh In: +6.4 lbs.
Total Weight loss: 28.8 lbs
Weight: 255.4 lbs

Yes. You read that correctly. I gained almost 10 pounds in one week.

I have plenty of excuses: It was that time of the month. I had McDonald's (large fries included) twice that week. I went to an awesome cookie party. I made a lot of cookies for this party and sampled many of them. I went to the Christmas party for work at Bourbon and drank many sugary pineapple and Malibu's as well as roughly 3 shots/bombs. (If we are facebook friends there is a nice photo of me carrying a drink in an unorthodox place, check it out) I think a lot of the gain is water/bloating weight because I had way too much salt that week.

I kept telling myself this is the last day. I'll eat like shit and then hop right back on the wagon. Then I'd made another bad choice and say the same thing, I'll only be bad today, and it kept happening each day. So instead of just letting a bad day be one day and moving on, I let a bad day become a bad week. I know I haven't posted since Nov. 28th but before last week I was at least maintaining my losses.

I think a big problems is that lately I've just been powerless to the deliciously stick in your teeth wonderfulness that is Milk Duds. Hot damn do I love me some Milk Duds.
I wish this picture wasn't eerily similar to the amount I have actually consumed
So thanks to some tough love (my sister reminding me, daily and not so subtly, that I haven't been to the gym in quite some time) I realized that I can not let this slip up ruin the progress I've made so far.

I've let a lot of things that shouldn't matter change my point of view. I thought that if I changed programs I would find faster and better results. I saw a co worker lose a lot in a small amount of time and it was discouraging. In a month they lost what it has taken me 8 months to lose. It wasn't fair and the plateau wasn't helping my state of mind. So I stopped working my plan. I stopped going to meetings, stopped tracking, continued to not go to the gym, and spent time researching what worked for them. I gradually started to eat like I used to, before April, before Tri training, and kept telling myself that it didn't matter because when I start this new awesome plan it won't matter because the weight will just melt off.

Well, the plan was a bit too hard for me to follow. I didn't even start it actually. I knew I wouldn't be able to sustain the plan anyway, not realistically.

I like to have the flexibility that Weight Watchers offers and if I'm totally honest after a few weeks of plateauing my discouragement turned into me not really following the plan 100% and tracking faithfully.

So here's the deal: I would really like to be at -40lbs by year's end. I know -50lbs is just plain impossible. Really, -40lbs might be unrealistic too, but it's a goal nonetheless. Ah hell, I'd be happy just to end the year making up the 6.4 gain I've had. Regardless of goals and numbers I've made a bit of progress that I'm really happy about, slip up and all...

-I went down a size in jeans (I'm trying to be okay with it only being one size for a 30 pound loss)

-In Old Navy sizes I am officially no longer a XXL. I actually put a pair of XL pj pants on OVER my jeans.

-I bought and wore a smoking hot Red Dress from Old Navy (Size:XL) to the Xmas party at work. I think wearing that dress was the first time I ever looked at myself and thought, 'Wow this actually looks pretty great on me'. I got a lot of very flattering comments on it. If anyone wants to take me out, I'm looking for any reason to wear it again!
-I have gotten back into the gym and it feels great. I don't know why I stopped going. I really need to get over my chronic laziness.

I really have a great support system of friends and family and I'm going to utilize them more for the rest of this year and for the rest of my weight loss journey. I'm also going to try to blog more and not let my laziness/ashamed of gainsness keep me from updating. I've had a lot of restarts and "new plans" so I'm just gonna start real basic and work my way up. No crazy plans that involve multiple workouts per day or weird food plans. Just me, following my WW plan/tracking, and being active for at least 35 minutes a day and working my way up to bigger and better things.

I can do this and in August I will be doing the Sprint Triathlon and I will be jogging the whole 3 miles and I will be kicking ass and taking names.

For now, I'm just doing a bit of damage control.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Feelin' Thankful

**Written on Thanksgiving last week - Forgot to post**

So I totally forgot to post my results this week...

November 10th Weigh In: -1.2 lbs.
Total Weight loss: 34.8 lbs
Weight: 249.4 lbs

Finally, a loss. Thank goodness. I was beginning to think I was stuck at 250 forever! I am not officially closer to 200lbs than 300lbs. Wooooo!

So today, on this day of thanks, I want to take a few minutes to really appreciate some people who have made this year's challenges a bit easier to handle.

I am thankful for my friends and family who have supported me unconditionally this year. It's been rough and the journey to a healthier me is far from over, but I couldn't have done it without them.

I am thankful for my bestest friend, Julie. I don't think I could have made it to the triathlon without her. Her kind words of support and love made me feel like I could do anything and her thoughtfulness always made my roughest days bearable. I am so lucky to have met her all those years ago and no matter how many states, oceans, countries, or continents are between us we still have one hell of an awesome friendship. If you do not have a friend like her you are surely missing out.

I am thankful for my sister. I have no idea how people can go through life and never talk to their siblings. I have don't know what I would do with out Kait. She is my ever sarcastic and honest sounding board. Sometimes I think she knows me better than I know myself and I am thankful for all the times I was going to make a bad food choice or skip a workout and Kait was there to push me to be better. I'm so glad and grateful she (and Danny) were there when I crossed the finish line.

I am thankful for my parents. They also made sure to be there for me when I was crossing the finish line. My toe clips for my bike (a gift from them) made a huge difference in my bike time. They also were patient with me when I would be trying some new weird eating pattern or food and adjust accordingly. They also allow me to live in their house even though a normal 25 year old should be functioning as an adult in the world...I promise I'm working on it. They have always supported me through every thing in my life, be it T Ball or Triathlon training, and they certainly don't get thanked enough.

I am thankful for Don. He also supported me while I was training. More importantly, though, he was there for all my terrible tearful breakdowns and would let me cry on his shoulder until I was done sobbing about my crappy bike time or my inability to run (Yes I did cry about it...frequently). He would wait patiently as I would (repeatedly) freak out about the triathlon and then offer unfailing support. He always had more faith in me than I had in myself...still does actually, and for that I will always be thankful.

I am thankful for the re founding of an old friendship this year. Rachael is so inspiring and it's nice to be able to commiserate with someone over weight loss woes. I know my family supports me but when I talk to Rachael she knows exactly what I'm saying because she's been there too. I hope that one day I can be as strong and successful as she is.

I am also thankful for the strong group of Rader women I call my Aunts. They are the craziest, kickassist, funniest group of ladies I know. Their support and love made my crummiest days better. I also had some of the best times relaxing and hanging around with them this summer. My only hope is that next year we'll be able to find more time to spend with each other because they really are the best.

I am also thankful for you. Yes you dear reader. I appreciate that you read my crazy babble. Just knowing that I have readers out there sometimes gets my ass out of bed for a workout. I try new things and workouts because of you. I think, 'Hmm I should do something interesting so I can have something to write about'. So thank you so much for your support!

I know there are so many other people who have supported and loved me throughout this process. I also know that there's still a lot left to go and I'm sure I'll find heaps more people to thank and appreciate for their awesomeness. So on this Thanksgiving I'm really thankful for all my friends and family and I can only hope to love and support all of them in return.

Happy Turkey Day Everyone!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Halfway to 100

Don't get excited. I didn't magically lose 16 pounds. I still have 47 days, 7 weeks, and 7 weigh ins to meet my goal for the year...not that I'm counting or anything...

This is my 50th post!

I wish I could be writing some deep wonderful words about how my life just synced up perfectly and so poetically that as I write my 50th post I am excitedly telling you that I had lost 50 pounds and the universe just made sense.

November 10th Weigh In: +/- 0lbs.
Total Weight loss: 33.6 lbs
Weight: 250.6 lbs

Not the case. This is what we call a plateau folks. Your progress flat lines even though you are still making good choices and exercising and it sucks big time.

But let's focus on some non weight related things shall we?

I put on my winter coat today. It's a nice black pea coat, with buttons on the front instead of a zipper. Well, when I got the coat I could barely button the top one. (Mostly because my chest was much bigger when I got the coat, but I couldn't button it over my stomach either) Without even thinking about it today, I put the coat as I was leaving for work and I buttoned up all four buttons and didn't even realize it until I was walking work. It hit me...holy crap I completely buttoned this coat AND I'm wearing my scrubs AND a hoodie under it! It was a good feeling.

I also recently bought a cover up/light sweater type thing and it was a size 14/16!! When you haven't seen the underside of size 20 in years it's sort of unbelievable.

Obviously, my chest is smaller and that's a mixed bag. I'm grateful to be able to sleep on my back without smothering myself, but sometimes I miss the girls.

I know this is gonna sound super crazy, but I've noticed that my thumbs look smaller. Less sausagey and more fingery. Does that make sense?

I take the stairs at work (to the 6th floor) and while I'm still a bit out of breath by the time I get to my floor, I take them everyday. It's almost become a habit. Sometimes I still hit the elevator button but usually I realize I should be taking the stairs and walk away.

One of the nurses at work mentioned that I'm going to need new scrubs soon. I'm not exactly swimming in them, but they are kind of big. It's not that I like wearing baggy scrubs, I just hate the color (poo brown) and I really don't want to by a size smaller, (hopefully) kick some ass and lose more and then have to buy another size smaller. I'd rather lose a few sizes before I spend another 60 bucks on more scrubs. I also have a hard time finding scrubs that fit me right and clothes shopping still isn't high on my list of stuff I enjoy doing.

I'm really behind on my Tivo shows. This may not seem like it has anything to do with my weight at all but being behind means I've been, A. Going to bed at a reasonable time (good for weight loss), B. Moving more (exercising instead of tv watching), and C. Doing more productive things than spending days at a time in front of the Tv.

So there you have it. I'm still the same weight but I guess I'm less wide and that's pretty cool. I should have been taking my measurements and keeping track of inches lost as well, but I never really thought about it until I put my coat on today. Perhaps I'll start doing that next week. I wish I had something exciting to write about but another non loss, missing spin this week (had to work Tuesday), and getting 4 paper cuts yesterday really doesn't make for an exciting read.

I'm going to see if I can find another spin class this week and I'm trying to do some things different this week (like getting up and eating breakfast) and hope for better results on Saturday.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Spin, or How I'm Learning to Enjoy Sweating Like a Pig

Alright folks, I know I make a lot of  bold exclamatory statements. I know I claim, very early on, that I love some new thing I'm doing or trying. I have a problem with finding something new, over doing the crap out of it, becoming frustrated because my expectations are too high, and hating said new love or just stopping it completely.

Than being said, I really LOVE spin class.


For those of you who do not know what spin is, it's basically a group of people pedaling small stationary bikes, listening to (usually) fast paced music which serves as a tempo for pedaling, while alternating positions on the bike like sitting, standing, and bent over the handlebars. The bikes are sturdy little suckers with the only wheel, the flywheel as it's called, being about 50 some odd pounds which is controlled by a little knobber thing that is your brake as well as your tension adjuster. Though on some bikes the tension knobber and the brake are two different things. (Aren't I super good at describing sports equipment?)

You adjust tension based on the instructors calls and that makes pedaling harder or easier.  It's forty five minutes worth of hard work and insane amounts of sweat (sweat is just fat crying anyway) and I smile through every minute of it. I feel powerful and happy when I'm finished and when we are stretching out after class it the best feeling ever. I would totally recommend finding a nonthreatening spin class to try. Definitely do not, I repeat, DO NOT try an advanced class if you've never been on a spin bike. You could get really discouraged, or worse hurt yourself by not properly using the bike. A beginner class, or at least the one I'm taking, will (hopefully) have a nice instructor who will help you adjust your bike, show you all the important parts, and make you comfortable so you can have a good experience.

The first class I took was hard, but I felt great after. Completely sore, but great. Actually, I was sore for days because my bike had a very small saddle and every time I would go from standing while pedaling to sitting while pedaling, the large amount of ass I have would hit the small saddle rather painfully. Needless to say, my first spin class wasn't as great as my second.

I went to my second spin class Tuesday at Beverly Ride On (they share the studio space with Core Fitness, where I do my Pilates -Yes, I'm aware I haven't posted about Pilates yet-) and Christine is the instructor (Also my pilates instructor). It was an Intro to Spin class so obviously it's not as crazy hard as most spin classes are, but it's one hell of a workout anyway. I guess the average calories burned in one 40 minute spin session is 620, which is pretty impressive. Christine kept saying, "If you get tired just remember the number 620!".

So everyone talks about that elusive "runner's high" and I laugh at them because there is no love lost between me and running, but I swear I felt something that was pretty similar while spinning. It was hard work and I felt every bit of it in my muscles. I felt strong. I felt  powerful. I felt healthy. I felt like I had found that something special I was looking for. Remember when I said I was hoping that finishing my Tri would be something that change me to the core? That when I finished I was elated, but not really different? Well I don't know if it was the music or the endorphins or a mix of the two but I was so happy when we finished Tuesday, I honestly felt like crying, a good soul cleansing wonderful cry. I felt light and floaty and I know at this point I'm sounding crazy town, but I don't really care.

I think the fact that I am easing into spinning is helpful. I always wanted to try the spin class at the gym, but those people are so hard core and serious about it that I knew I wouldn't be comfortable trying it for the first time there. I mean, you have to get there a half hour early just to sign up for the class and I was always scared that some regular would try to kill me for taking their bike. Which now I can understand because the bike I rode Tuesday made all the difference in the world and I will be searching for it every time I go. Also, the classes are small. There were 5 of us on Tuesday and maybe like 8 people the first time I went. It really takes the pressure off and makes the experience better for me because that way Christine can really let you know if your doing stuff right and can instruct you on proper bike position and tension.

I don't think I'll ever be a runner in the sense that I want to/have to run everyday. Walking is another story. I could take a nice walk, and try to, everyday. As I trained for the Tri I definitely avoided running but I never missed a bike workout. Yeah, bike workouts were easier and they were low impact on my knees which was nice because I still have quite a bit of weight slamming down on them, but despite being easier I really enjoyed them. I loved doing Bike the Drive. I really love Spinning. Maybe I am a cyclist at heart? Who knows. I have almost a whole year to train for next year's Tri (It's Aug 11th by the way, I had the date wrong before) so I guess I'll use that time to find out my true strengths and weaknesses (a.k.a. running).

I know it's early to declare love of spin. I'm not running out to by a spin bike or anything, even though I really want to. I'm not going crazy and trying to take 5 classes a week. I am easing into it and trying to go every week but sometimes I work on Tuesdays and, for now, that's okay. I'm going to care for this little flame of passion and slowly let it build into a blaring fire that really fuels my losses. I've only taken two classes, but I promise that every Tuesday I'm off you will be able to find me at spin class at 6:30pm. Just don't peak into the window and watch us like the creeper guy on Tuesday. That would be real weird.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Am I Being Bullied?

I wasn't going to go to my meeting this morning. This post was going to be titled, "Know when to Hold 'em". I had a very large sodium ridden meal of super delicious Chi Tung last night. I do that a lot. I'm really good all week and then on Friday I go out for a huge meal and effect my weigh in negatively. So, I was not going to weigh in because when I have a bad week it takes me a few days to recover from the way the (usual) gain impacts my mood.

But, dear readers, I went to my meeting. Why? Well I'll tell you why. My sister, who is generally a great motivator, made me feel bad about not going. She was not gentle in anyway. This wasn't just a tiny bit of guilt that pushes me into making the right choice, ohhhh no, this was the worst bad mojo she could possibly push on me.

She says, "If you don't go tomorrow, I'm gonna die". What the hell?!?! Here's my reaction:

Oh Michael Clark Duncan, I miss you.
If you haven't seen Talladega Nights, you should because stupidly funny if you know any Nascar fans. Also, speaking of the late Mr. Duncan, if you haven't seen The Green Mile, stop what you are doing and go see it. Do it. Go ahead, I'll wait...
Wasn't it the best? Your welcome. (You should also read it, but we don't have time for that now)
That's not my point though. That's how I felt. DON'T PUT THAT EVIL ON ME KAIT! So I had to go to my meeting today because if I didn't and for some crazy reason Kait died, it would be my fault and I would hate myself. So my sister is a very well meaning, mental jingling bully. But damn, if I don't just love the crap out of her. I mean, I went didn't I? It's nice to have someone pushing you and I just playfully call her a bully, I mean no meanness. I appreciate that she pushes me and I'm thankful to have such a good sister who cares about me. (Perhaps maybe next time she could just be a little less morbid in her helpful pushes?) Besides, I needed to go to the meeting and it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.
The results:

November 3rd Weigh In: +/- 0lbs.
Total Weight loss: 33.6 lbs
Weight: 250.6 lbs

No change. It's not a loss, but it's not a gain. So I'm okay with it. I'm not happy but I'm not sad. I am neutral. So, yay neutrality! I know I have been less than bloggy lately but I have just been lacking the creative zing to make decent posts. Also, my main focus hasn't honestly been my fitness/weight loss goals these past couple weeks. I'm starting and Governor's State in the spring and freaking out about my future plans have sort of trumped my new active lifestyle. I am making progress on my list of stuff I'd like to do/try though so expect more stories of me doing things that are totally out of my comfort zone. Yay for awkward Carrie doing new things!

Have a good week y'all, I'm going to work my ass off and lose this week, for sure. Stay tuned!

((Seriously, The Green Mile. Read it, watch it, love it))

Monday, October 29, 2012

Visualizing the Loss

October 27th Weigh In: -4.0 lbs (remember I missed 2 weigh ins)
Total Weight loss: 33.6 lbs
Weight: 250.6 lbs

As you can see, I've made some progress. I was pleasantly surprised with the loss and I still think my end of the year goal isn't out of reach yet, so we'll have to wait and see.

Now, I've had some trouble believing my losses. I remember when I watched Biggest Loser (only watched one season, the one where the dude from Illinois won) and they had the contestants carry the weight they lost in backpacks and then do some stupid amount of activity they wouldn't have been able to to at that weight. So that got me thinking...maybe if I'm having such a hard time comprehending my losses, I should hold 33 pounds and see how that feels. Conveniently, we just took the dogs to the vet for their shots and Mollie weighed in at about 32.5 pounds...

I call this photo "Bitch put me down!"
She was a good sport and I have to admit holding her, even long enough to pose for the picture, was kind of hard. I mean I'm not a weakling or anything but I couldn't really imagine all that weight on my own frame. I also assume carrying her in my arms versus having her hang off me in a backpack is something different, but I got the desired affect, and I'm sure she wouldn't have tolerated that at all.

Because of my lack of belief I am also afraid to buy new clothes. Clothes shopping was/is always the highest form of torturous stress I ever endure. I hate trying on size after size as they increase and still don't fit me. I think the biggest size I ever bought was a size 26-28 and when all my friends were shopping in the Junior's section and I had to find clothes in the Women's section it made trips to the mall particularly stressful. When you have a dress that could double as an industrial size garbage bag it does something to your soul.

So as I find myself 33 pounds lighter, I am still wearing the same clothes. My jeans are loose and I have to fold them over at the waist to keep them up but they aren't totally unwearable. My t shirts don't have to be stretched out after washing them (after putting on my shirts I would almost always flip them up on my arms and pull them outward so I wouldn't feel any material clinging to my stomach) but again, not unwearable. I hate feeling my clothes against my skin because I know if I can feel the material one of my unsightly fat folds is being displayed and this hasn't changed. I'm constantly wearing loose fitting clothes and pulling down sweaters to make sure everything is covered.

Because this behavior is so ingrained into who I am, I don't know that losing the weight will change that. It's definitely a change that I have make in the way I think, which will be a lot harder than losing the weight. I just have such a problem with negative self talk. What if I gain the weight back? More importantly, will I ever learn to dress for the weight I've lost? Will I ever not dress like I'm still 284 pounds? Will I ever be comfortable with my weight and who I am? I'm not sure. Regardless of the weight I lose I think I'll always be carrying the extra pounds around with me. I have so many questions and so few answers, but I guess that's the point. This weight loss is a journey not a destination and I have plenty of time to figure it all out. In the meantime, I'll just start replacing my wardrobe one piece at a time and hope that I won't gain the weight back or lose to quickly to consider the purchases a waste of money.

Special Thanks to Mollie for her assistance with this post!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Kicking Batman's Ass

I didn't weigh in again this week.

Wait. Before you shake your head in disappointment, let me explain.

Last Saturday I was in Wilmington with my aunts. I tried to find a meeting out there but honestly there wasn't one. This Saturday I was in Gurnee. I did find a meeting and even had the directions and such, but the road to hell is indeed paved with good intentions, intentions that are lost to laziness and a strong desire to sleep in.

Don and I spent Friday night out in Gurnee and went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner, not the best choice for a pre weigh in dinner. I shouldn't even go there ever really. They have the most caloric menu items of like any restaurant ever. But it was sooo delicious. I regret nothing...well yes I do. I regret not going to the meeting but I really enjoyed sleeping in and I didn't make the worst possible choices for dinner. I did have a piece of the bread that they evilly put out on the table, but I stopped after one. I also had unsweetened ice tea, grilled chicken on my sandwich instead of crispy, and a tossed salad instead of fries. Of course, I had a big piece of cheesecake, but I didn't eat it all and there was fruit on it...

I do that a lot. I say I regret nothing, or that I'm okay with something, or I've accepted something, but I'm really not or I haven't. (Another gem pointed out to me by one of my aunts) So I know I should just let it go. It's not like I go to the Cheesecake Factory every week, I've only been there twice in my life. I still should have went to the meeting. I mean I can weigh myself at home, and sometimes I do, but I don't think my scale is accurate. It's usually a 5 pound difference from my WW weigh in, but from my own weird conversions I think I'll be happy with this Saturday. I'm trying to cut myself some slack, but anymore than 2 weeks of missed weigh ins could be the beginning of a slippery slope into consistent gaining, so Saturday it's back to my regularly scheduled meetings.

So why was I in Gurnee, you ask? I was there to prove to myself that I had lost weight. I don't care about the numbers because ultimately they mean nothing. I know, I hear you calling bullshit... "Bullshit, Carrie. You totally care about the numbers, really it's all you talk about." Okay, I know all my goals are number orientated. I know I plan things out and I have particular dates in mind but really the numbers don't mean all that much. It's nice to tell people big numbers. I like to have dates to look forward to. I need some sort of deadline to keep me motivated. That being said, 30 pounds means nothing to me. It's just a number. It's not how I feel. It's not how my clothes fit. It's not the change in my fitness abilities.

As many of you know, Six Flags Great America is in Gurnee. I haven't been there in a few years and it's because the last time we went I didn't fit on the Batman Ride. It was awful. We waited in line for a while, but it was okay because Batman is one of my favorite rides. Finally getting on, I sat in the seat and pulled the harness down but, to my horror and increasing panic, I couldn't get the safety belt to latch into the harness. It has to click shut in order for you to ride, so after some struggling I realized it wasn't going to click. The worst part was that once you pull down the harness it locks so you can't get it back out without an attendant unlocking it. So I realize that the safety belt won't latch and that I'm trapped in this harness. Because they go around and try to shove you in before they accept that you can't fit, I was unable to escape with at least a tiny bit of my dignity. My face was red and my heart was racing and the embarrassment was just unbearable. I sat there waiting to get unlocked so I could slink off and wallow in the blatant proof that my weight had gotten out of hand. It wasn't long after that that I joined weight watchers for the first time and lost my 24 pounds (that I gained back last year).

As suggested by a good friend, who has really been an inspiration and a great source of support, (Thanks Rach!) when we went to Great America on Saturday we rode the Batman Ride first. This way I could know right away whether or not I fit.  The line wasn't long at all and we got on right away. I was so nervous I felt like I was gonna throw up. I pulled down the harness and the safety belt latched and I finally started to breathe again. The ride was awesome, as always, and while my thighs are a bit big still, I had no problem connecting any latches or locking any harnesses. I still had Don shove all my harnesses down, just because it was hard to accept the fact that I was just fitting on the rides, but he was a good sport and I appreciated it.

So instead of weighing in Saturday I walked 6+ miles around the park and finally accepted that my body is changing for the better. I know I have no number to give you, but I think it's one hell of a victory.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

You Win This Time, Dairy Queen

I didn't weigh in this week.

I know I need the weigh ins to keep me on track. I also know I missed weighing in, just a little bit. I need that stress of getting on the scale to keep me going. I know some people can do WW and not go to meetings, but I need them. I need the accountability.

But sometimes, dear readers, there are better things in life than faithfully weighing in each week... Like spending a nice weekend with your super cool aunts and your sister. The only problem with this is most of this weekend was spent eating amazing delicious, terribly bad for you, food. I had an appletini the size of your head. I made spinach artichoke Mac and cheese with four whole cups of cheese, 1/2 cup of white wine, and 2 cups of whole milk. (Not only were the calories high, I spent like 25 bucks on cheese - totally worth it.) Rachael Ray really knows her stuff.

These things I am okay with. I've never had an appletini and for 5 dollars it was tasty deal. I could have made a lighter version of the Mac and cheese, but I made a great splurge-worthy meal for some of the women in my life that I love and they enjoyed it. It made me feel good to make something they liked so much, if you recorded just the audio of us eating, the appreciative moans sounded like they could have been from porn. No. I am not exaggerating. This would have been awkward, but compared to some of the conversations we've had, the sex noises were totally laughable. Damn, do I love my aunts. They are the goofiest, most supportive, best ladies I know. That's not exactly on topic, but you should know my family is awesome.

What I am not okay with: I had ice cream when I was already full and knew I shouldn't. My aunt (there are three of them by the way- Diane, Dede, and Debbie) pointed out to me that while I am making better choices most of the time, I wasn't making them all the time and definitely not then. We had a long conversation about food and not in the sharing recipe kind of way. Food is my drug. I use it to make myself feel better and sometimes I use to keep myself from feeling at all. I'm not even sure why I had the ice cream. This is what upsets me. I wasn't hungry. I wasn't unhappy. I wasn't sad. I wasn't angry. In fact, I was really happy. So why medicate myself with the small vanilla ice cream cone? (Even though I had made the best choice comparatively, considering my dinner companions had sundaes and blizzards)

Well, I love a good vanilla ice cream cone. Specifically, Burger King's (4 WW points plus) 50 cent - 1 dollar (depending on which BK you're at) vanilla cone. It's awesomely good for a fast food chain and is very satisfying for a low amount of points. But this was not BK. This was Dairy Queen. I am sad to say that this cone wasn't even that great. It didn't have the strong vanilla flavor, or the fresh cone crunch, I like in the BK cone. Did that stop me from eating the whole thing? No. Did I ask to stop at the BK we passed so I could make a better choice? Nope. Did I need to order dessert after my huge meal complete with giant martini? Hell No.

But I did. Mostly, I think because everyone else was ordering and I knew if I sat there with no ice cream, while everyone else was enjoying theirs, I'd feel left out... that I would crave that ice cream even more because I didn't have any. This makes no sense. I am not blaming them though; it's not their fault I got ice cream. I made the choice to walk up, pay for, and consume my ice cream cone. I just don't really understand why. All I know is I was upset afterwards. Much in the way, I assume, people that regularly binge are. My guilt didn't lead me to do any harm to myself, or anything like that, but my stomach did hurt and every sensation of pain reminded me of my bad choice.

You would think I would learn from things like this. I can guarantee that wasn't the first time this has happened. I can probably also assure you it won't be the last. Yet, writing it all down here makes me really think about how frequently I do make bad choices that are easily avoidable, and how often I do binge on food when I'm not hungry. It's a serious problem that I need to spend more time combating. I wish I could be one of those people who eat to live. Those people who eat because they are hungry and they use food to fuel their bodies and nothing else. But damn it, I like to eat. When I'm not binging or making bad choices, I still really enjoy eating. I don't think I should have to give that up just to lose weight.

So I dance on that fine line of enjoying my food in a healthy way, like that of a food critic or an Italian (I want so badly to go to Italy and love food the way they do), and abusing my food like a drug. It's so hard for me to decide when I've had enough, or when I need to stop. It's hard for me to have some great meal, like Kait's pot roast and kick ass roasted garlic mashed potatoes, and not go back for seconds - regardless of whether I'm full or not- because it just tastes so good. Also, I see how happy it makes her that I enjoy what she cooked, just like how happy it made me to see my aunts enjoy the meal I made.

It's hard for me to grasp that it's quality, not quantity, when it comes to food. It's not going to taste any better because I eat more of it. It's also doesn't mean it tastes bad if I have less.

I need to listen to my body more and consider that if I put junk in, I'll get junk out. Wait... I didn't mean...well you know what I meant. You have to have the right type of gas to make your car work properly...nope that's not it either...

If I want to be healthy, I have to eat healthy. It's about balance. I need to find balance. I need to learn from my mistakes.

Next time, I'll be the victor.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Insert Witty Post Title Here (Oct. 6th Weigh In)

October 6th Weigh In: -1.0 lbs
Total Weightloss: 29.6 lbs
Weight: 254.6 lbs

As you can see, I still am not at my goal from the 29th. Yes. I am upset. Did I rage murder someone because of it? No. It's still pretty damn discouraging though.

I went on weight watchers online and found that lately I have been keeping a solid -1.5 loss average each week. So even with the little gains if you divide my total loss by the amount of weeks it doesn't seems so bad. Also between 1-2lbs a week is a steady and safe rate of weight loss so it seems I am right on the money in that regard.

The Chicago Marathon was this past Sunday. I give those athletes a whole crap ton (yes that is a legal way to measure things) of respect. Considering I've never really walked anything more than 6 miles in one day, its insanely impressive to do 26.2 miles in 6.5 hours or less. (The site says the course is only open for 6.5 hours) So this brings me to consider training for a marathon. Yes, chuckle all you want. Belly laugh even. Carrie, she who is a known enemy of running, is thinking about marathons. Honestly, as with the triathlon, a marathon is on my fitness bucket list. In fairness though, a 5k, 10k, and 1/2 marathon are also on there. Not surprisingly so, a sprint, Olympic, and (very unlikely) 1/2 iron man triathlon are on my fitness bucket list too, but just because they are there doesn't mean I am planning to do them all next year. Actually, after doing my tri I vaguely mapped out a timeline in my head for these fitnessy goals.

2013: Age 26
-"Run" a 5k, 10k and possibly if my running has improved the Chicago 1/2 marathon in Sept.
-Do the Danskin SPRINT Triathlon on August 25th (Yup, they posted the date already)
-Bike the Drive (30miles) again because it was awesome and I'd like to do it every year
-Be able to swim one whole mile

2014: Age 27
-Run a bunch of races, if I didn't do the 1/2 marathon in 2013 - Do it this year. If my running
has improved, consider the Chicago Marathon.
-Do the Danskin Tri and rock the hell out of it (another yearly thing I'd like to add to my life)
-Bike that motherflipping Drive yet again
-Consider doing a 1/2 Century Ride
-Be able to swim 1.5 miles

2015: Age 28
-Run 1/2 Marathon or Marathon 
-Danskin/Bike the Drive (at this point they have become a yearly tradition for me)
-Do 1/2 Century Ride (hopefully again) maybe do 75miles of the Century
-Perhaps an Olympic Distance Triathlon
-Be able to swim 2 miles

2016: Age 29
-Run the Chicago Marathon (and the 1/2 just for fun at this point)
-Do a Century Ride
-Danskin/Bike the Drive
-Make this Olympic Distance Tri year
-Be able to swim 2.5 miles

2017 and Beyond: Age 30+
-Keep doing Danskin/Bike the Drive yearly
-Train for and complete a 1/2 Iron man distance Triathlon (preferably by 35)
- Be fit enough to try something like the Tough Mudder or Warrior Dash

I know these are all lofty goals. I know I might sound a bit crazy. But know that I understand that these are all purely vague fantastical notions in my head. My only solid goals are to do Danskin and Bike the Drive yearly, Complete a Marathon before I'm 30, and bike at least a 1/2 century (50miles) before I'm 30 as well. I'd also like to be at goal by the end of 2014. I know it's possible that I will be at goal before that, but I think realistically speaking losing 50lbs a year and taking 3 years to lose 150lbs, is not an unfair goal. I think, for me, it's terribly realistic (you've seen me rant crazy style about goals) and achievable. That's 50lbs a year, weighing in at not quite a whole pound a week each year. Totally rational. Totally doable. So while I'd like to be at goal sometime next year, I promise to not be angerly hard on myself until the end of 2014. Seem fair? I think so.

I'd also like to try some destination races. Perhaps a Triathlon in New Zealand? The Marathon in Rome? Who knows. The sky's the limit folks.

I think I'm finally taking some well meaning advice (Thank you) and cutting myself some slack. I have plenty of time to lose this weight and achieve all my fitness goals. I understand that my fitness goals aren't my life. Once I start GSU in January I'll have school to worry about, on top of everything else. I know that I might encounter some set backs, and I might not achieve every goal I set for myself. But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying. Besides, once I finally graduate and get a sweet teaching job, I'll have summers off and money to fund all these costly hobbies and trips I've been planning on taking since I was 14.

So I'll hit 30 pounds next week. No big deal. But so help me, If I don't lose .4 this week I might actually black out from rage. Hey, I said I'm working on cutting myself some slack...I'm not perfect.

I also wrote a post a few days ago called 'Musings on Obesity' that I feel like a lot of people missed. If you have a few minutes after reading this post, check it out. Also, next Monday I start Plus Sized Pilates, so stay tuned for that.  

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Musings on Obesity

I've spent -wasted- a lot of my life thinking about being overweight. Mostly, because I am overweight. Obese, really. Honestly. When I tell people I am obese they like to rise to my defense. "Oh Carrie you aren't fat/obese/gross/slow/(insert any negative word related to extra pounds here)". I love and appreciate everyone who tries to make me feel better with kind words and comforting hugs. Yet, these people need to understand I don't say it for sympathy or for the love and hugs... I do enjoy hugs though... It's just a fact. I am Obese. Telling me I'm not isn't doing me any favors. You can't sit there and tell me I'm perfect the way I am and still celebrate my losses with me. It makes no sense. As a person I am who I am, but at my weight I am not healthy.

Still, I also know my self image is not the best. When I say I am fat it's not in a nice way. I am very hard on myself. I understand why people rise to defend me, essentially from myself. It's just not a good way to talk. I'm trying to be better about my negativity. I understand it took me 25 years to gain all this weight and behave the way I do in regards to food. I really do need to smile more, play more board games, and give myself a break every once and a while. It's just hard to change how I think and feel, just like it's hard to lose the weight. The journey of losing weight isn't so much about the pounds, it's about changing how you think.

It's about fear. Fear of gaining. Fear of staying the same. Fear of not losing. Fear of failure. Fear of disappointing those people who love and support me with such unquestioning earnesty. I think if you ask anyone who is struggling with weight, regardless of the amount they want to lose, they can tell you they have the same fears.

It's also about hope. Hope that you will lose. Hope that once you get to goal people will stop judging you every time you put a donut in your mouth. Hope that one day you can eat that donut or skip tha workout without feeling such extreme guilt. Hope that you will like this new healthy person you have become. Hope that you can stay at goal once you get there. Hope that you even get to goal at all.

But here's the thing. Even though is seems so far off, a part of me is scared of what will happen when (if?) I get to goal. I've spent my whole life with this weight. I wear it like a bulletproof vest. Your taunts, your cruel words, your stares don't hurt me behind the weight. Since I've always been overweight, I'm afraid that I won't know who I am after I lose it. That I'll be exposed in a way I've never had to deal with before. I know it's a bit premature to worry about it but it's always there in the back of my mind. Like I said though, I need to cut myself some slack and not worry about it so much. It's most likely a bit crazy to actually worry about being healthier.

So why the musings? I'm sure you've seen the news woman who got called out for being overweight. She took a stand against the bully and now is all over the news for it. It made me think about how every person who has weight to lose is different. Every one's struggle is just as hard, be it 5 pounds or 500 pounds. You can't know every one's story, you can't know whats going on under all that fat. Just like the guy who wrote to that newscaster didn't know she had a thyroid condition or that she ran 5ks and triathlons. Afterward, he still was kind of a jerk but that's not the point. You can be working so hard and even though you are still overweight now, who knows how much you've lost already. I know she supposedly has been this weight for a while and that he sees her as a bad role model for the community, but think about this now: How many over weight people do you really see on TV? I mean I'm not saying that being obese or overweight is okay. I'm not defending people who choose to do nothing about their health. But you have to give credit to this woman who is a wife and mother, who works, who is on TV even though she is overweight and knows that she is publicly displaying that weight daily. I mean sometimes it takes people months to lose just a couple of pounds. You just never know what someone else is going through.

I know for a long time I just let my weight get out of hand, but that's life. Shit happens. You can't always be worried about your weight all of the time. I really think that taking care of myself is a part time job. It takes work and effort and just because you see someone who is overweight or obese doesn't mean they aren't actively doing something about it. You can't start walking everyday and expect to drop 100 pounds in a month. I will struggle with my weight for the rest of my life. I'm sure of it. But I hope that it'll make me stronger and that eventually I'll know that how other's see me doesn't have to be the way I see myself.

I try to remind myself of this. Strangers see me and could think, "Wow look at that fat girl. She must eat all the time and never do any physical activity". They won't know everything I have gone through just to be the weight I am now, that this is almost 30 pounds less than I weighed 6 months ago. You just never know. But it doesn't stop them from judging me, or the overweight newscaster. This doesn't stop people from judging anyone overweight they see. They see me eating some french fries or really enjoying a preplanned splurge on a panda bowl at the mall and just see a fat girl eating unhealthy food. They think I deserve to be fat if I'm not doing anything about it, that if I'm eating those things I'm not really trying to lose weight. In the same token those same people make fun of me working out at the gym, while I'm trying pitifully to jog down the block, while I ride down the street on my bike. They make fun of me for being the weight I am, while doing these things that are supposed to help me lose weight."Look at that fat ass trying to jog". It's like you can't win. It's because of these people, because of all the horrible things that have been said to me/yelled out of car windows/thrown at me that contribute to these crazy issues of self confidence that I have. It certainly doesn't help the newscaster either. I know this guy thought he was a well meaning concerned citizen. I know he thought that in his fitness he had help to offer this woman. Maybe, regardless of weight, she's just a happier person. Yes she can be trying to lose weight, maybe knows she could and should be healthier but she's happy while doing it. This guy, who is totally fit and skinny, might be the most unhappy guy in the world. He's gotta be insecure about something if he has to point out someone else's flaws to make him self feel better. Also, I would argue that anyone trying to lose weight has boatloads of knowledge on the subject. There's plenty of weight loss advice out there. It's just a matter of finding the right thing to work for that specific person. So ya know what guy? If she wanted your help, she'd ask for it

Bear with me here, I have a crazy comparison to make: Being overweight (at least for me) is like being an alcoholic. I think it is for most people. That's why there are organizations like Over Eaters Anonymous. But I have to eat to live. I can't just give up food. Yet, I have the same issues with potato chips that another person could have with alcohol or drugs. I use them to make myself feel better and in the long run I'm hurting myself and by extension those around me. It's hard to order Coke Zero when I know Dr. Pepper tastes so much better. It's hard to make the choice to have my chicken breast grilled instead of fried. I have to actively decide to make healthier choices. I have to choose to get outside and walk for an hour instead of spending an hour with my Tivo. It does not come natural to me. Just as someone who is recovering from addiction has to choose to make the right choices when it would be so easy to just slip back into their old ways.

Most of the time, I'm making good food choices and trying to be more active, all the while trying not to be to hard on myself because the road ahead is such a long one. It's just so damn hard.Yes. I did a triathlon but I am still 120 pounds away from being as heavy as possible and still just topping out at "Healthy" on the BMI scale. Actually anything between 101 lbs and 136 lbs is considered "Normal Weight" for my height. Seriously?! 101 pounds? Really BMI? I know its not 100% accurate or anything but it's still a crazy thought. Not that I'd ever get close to 101, but can you imagine how crazy that would be. I'd have to lose a total of 183.2 pounds.

There's just so much out there. So many jerks who are going to make you feel bad about yourself no matter what weight your at. So much research, so many exercise programs, and so many products to try. So many well meaning people that will give you advice. So many road blocks in the way that can prevent you from achieving your goals. It's not easy. It's not simple. It's hard and scary and painful and amazing all at the same time.

I'm stressed out every Saturday morning when I weigh in, but when I see the hard work pay off there's no better feeling then that moment. It's not even about the weight really. It's about knowing that if I can do this, I can do anything. And I'll tell you something. I know I shrug off when people tell me that they are proud or that they are seeing the results of my efforts, but something really makes me feel like all this stress I go through matters when I know I've inspired someone. Even if it's just them reading my blog and deciding to go to the gym or for a walk instead of wasting that 1/2 hour or so sitting around. If I can do it, so can they.

So keep doing for yourself, because that's really what it's about. Lose weight for you. Eat healthy for you. Be active for you. Enjoy the support and encouragement from your loved ones. Support them and help them to make better choices as well. Ignore the people who are mean. Be happy. Be strong. Be confident. All the rest will just fall into place.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

3 Days Late and 1.4 Pounds Short

So I missed my goal. Missed it by 1.4 lousy pounds. Damn.

Sept 29th Weigh In: -1.6lbs
Total Weight Loss: -28.6lbs

I was really angry on Saturday. Like crazy, yelling at anyone who talked to me, angry. I was also sad. I worked so hard last week. I was so accurate with my points. I did everything right.

It's weird. You have weeks where you think, "This is it. I'm gonna get awesome results this week," and you get crummy results, or worse you gain. Then you have weeks where you work out like twice, fudge your points and lose 4 freaking pounds. It makes no sense to me. It also sort of enrages me.

I know, I know...I lost. I should be happy that I didn't gain or stay the same. Well, I say to hell with you. If I'm going to achieve my ultimate goal of losing 50lbs by the end of the year I really need to stay on track. (Sorry to get rough with you there...I don't want you to go the will you read my blog there?)

I'm having a hard time getting motivated. I mean besides the big 5-0 goal, I don't have much in the way of accountability. I miss my terrifying Tri goal waiting for me, all menacing like, at the end of 25 weeks just forcing me to drag my ass out of bed. I know I should be starting a regular sprint training plan. I know that if I start now I'll be much happier come race day. I know I'll feel less stressed and way more prepared. Does that get me motivated? Not really. It's like I'm hardwired to procrastinate. Seriously. Cleaning, laundry, papers, assignments, you name it - I'll wait til the last damn minute to do it. WHYYYYYY!?!?!?!?!?! Why do I do this? I have no idea. Ugh. I suck.

I think I need more variety. I need to do some new things that will inspire me to want to be better. I would like to do some fun fitness stuff between now and my next Tri. I also need to work on my 3 sports if I'm going to be able to kick some serious butt.

In my Healthy Lifestyle class we talk about the different facets of "Wellness" and it's not just physical. I need to be taking care of myself emotionally, spritually, financially, intellectually, and socially as well. I'm going to try and do a lot of new things and hope that once I find myself slipping into unmotivatedness I can just try to work towards something else. I would like to make myself healthy in all these dimensions of wellness. I would also like to feel prepared once my first Sprint (not Super) Tri rolls around.

Wellness Stuffs:
Take a spin class
Do the stairs at Swallow Cliff
Work up to Running for 30 minutes without stopping
Work up to Swimming 1 mile
Work up to Biking a 1/2 Century (50 miles)
Take a kickboxing class
Try "Plus Sized Pilates" (Yes this is real. It's for larger gals as an intro into Pilates)
Find out what makes Yoga so damn great
Actually RUN a 5k
Get more/better sleep
Bike the lakefront for fun
Bike the trails in our area
Join the Bike Psychos in March
Make time to meditate
Make a seriously realistic budget - stick to it
Consistently contribute to my "New Zealand" fund
Start volunteering again - maybe back to the animal welfare?
Try to be less procrastinatey with school work
Prove to myself that I can actually stick to something for 30 days straight
Make more time for my friends
Save up for a better race friendly bike
Spend more time outside

There's a lot of other things I'm sure and I would appreciate any suggestions. But I think I'll start working on the get more/better sleep activity now. No better time to start than now.

Goodnight all. Let's hope this week is better and Rage Carrie stays away. *fingers (still) crossed*

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Paper Towels are for Hands, Not Bodies

...Trust me, I've done the leg work.

I was so excited to get in the pool again. With my packed up bag, I made it to the gym and happily saw that there was only one person in the pool. I was so proud of myself for not forgetting my underwear and the fact that my swim cap went on on the first try that nothing was gonna ruin my swim...that was until I was fully submerged in the water, swimming under the lane dividers to the empty lane...and realized I forgot my damn towel.

Yeah, yeah...shut up Towelie
So that was fun. I really loooved drying off with giant wads of paper towel. There are just some places you don't want paper towel to be and I found them all. If you've ever been to see The Blueman Group, at the end (or atleast this is what happened when I went) they take these giant rolls of toliet paper and start furiously pulling them out towards the audience. That was me, except my audience got the show for free, and probably would have prefered not to see it. If I had thought about it, I would have taken a picture of the pile of paper towel, it was very impressive. But I think if I whipped out my camera in the gym locker room I'd have more problems than extreme wetness to deal with. (Well that sounded not so great...Shame on you Reader! Get your mind out of the gutter please! Jeez.) Hey L.A. Fitness, perhaps it's time to consider some towel options? Towel mishaps aside, it was a good swim.

This week, we did a hour long strength training workout in my Healthy Lifestyle class. It was kind of awesome. Which I think you cannot legally say that about anything that happens at Moraine Valley, screw it! I'm not afraid to say it. I enjoyed myself for a whole hour. I sweat almost as much as I did while I did during bootcamp, with a lot less effort. I know that sounds weird but we did most exercises on the Bosu Ball. Instead of putting you through me trying to explain this bouncey half ball rubber typer thing that is flat on the bottom (oh...wait...) I'll just post you a picture.

It forces you to try and keep your balance on top of whatever else you are doing. So instead of just doing bicep curls, you are also engaging all thoses extra muscles while doing the curls. I was surprised that I kept up with the majority of the class. My face was much sweatier and redder then some classmates, but damn it I was getting one hell of a workout. It was fun too; you can bounce on the Bosu like a tiny trampoline. Hehe.

I really think having a Bosu would make my home workouts a lot more effective...and bouncy. Sadly, this awesome multi purpose piece of muscle engaging equipment is fairly expensive. One quick Amazon search crushed my excitement. I don't exactly have a few hundred dollars laying around, so my Bosu dreams are on hold. Also, there are different kinds of Bosu Balls so I'll have to do some research. Damn you Amazon, damn you. To the wishlist you go Bosu.

I should be heading to bed, I have another exercise lab tomorrow for my PEH class. We are doing flexibility and stretching. If there's one thing I'm not, it's flexible. Honestly, my heartrate is higher when I try to do yoga than when I'm doing cardio because I never know when to breathe and totally just forgot to do it. Yes, I forget to breathe.

Well folks, think unpretzely thoughts for me tomorrow and good 30lb total vibes for me on Saturday. *fingers crossed*



Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Not About the Number...Right?

Can you tell this weeks weigh in wasn't awesome?

Week 2: September 22nd - Weight = 257.2 (+0.6) Total weight loss = 27lbs.

I know it's just a tiny gain and I'm sorry but I'm gonna bust out some emo crap on you... the insignificant 0.6lbs weighs heavy on my confidence. This isn't the first time I've had a silly little gain, but it has definitely been a while.

Now I know that's not even a half a pound and...that if I had taken a really good crap before the meeting I might have broke even...that I went out for EP Homecoming on Friday night and all the salty garbage I ate that day could have messed up my system...that if I had just did my tape 6 days instead of 5...

Yeah yeah, excuses excuses. Oh well, there's always next week.

Speaking of, for my PEH class at Moraine we had to set three little goals as we work towards our big semester goal. Saturday (the 29th) is my first goal evaluation day. I need to be down 3lbs this week to make it (Be at -30lbs). I think I can totally do it. I just have to track a bit more faithfully this week.

I apologize for the number heaviness of these posts. I promise that I haven't turned into some crazy person who weighs themselves after every meal or bowel movement. I just haven't been this close to big numbers...well ever and I'm just really excited.

So in a non numbers related bit of happiness, I've decided tomorrow's the day I get back in the pool. I haven't swam since the triathlon and I miss it.  Also, I get Danskin updates on Facebook and they posted that we should keep our eyes out for REGISTRATION for next year already! They don't give you much time, do they? I guess it's good because the sooner you sign up the cheaper it is and I'll be glad to have a solid non weight related goal in my brain again.

Ahh...this feels better...non weight related things....

Kait and I are going to be walking the St.Xavier Cougar 5k Saturday. I was thinking of doing it but entering all these races is getting kind of expensive so I was gonna just let it go. But thanks to some race entries from Pizzaman (Thank you Louise!) we're going to be walking now. I really need to get back into a walk/run program though. If I'm gonna be doing the regular sprint next year I need to be able to at least lightly jog 3 miles, and that's on top of the swim and the run, or else my time is gonna be crummy from walking. I'm still trying to find a training buddy this year. I'm also considering finding another sprint tri to do as well because training is a hell of a lot of work for just one race.

Well I think that's enough for now. I'm going to try and post more than once a week but if you enjoy reading blogs and you've thought to yourself, "Self, I like Carrie's blog but I really wish there was someone blogging about what it's like being an American and moving to New Zealand, so I can read about that as well", well I've got a blog for you! My bestest bravest most wonderful friend Julie has just moved to New Zealand with her equally courageous man friend/partner Andrew and she is blogging about the experience. You can read this tale at Seriously, go ahead...go...I'm done with this post!

G'night All.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Honest Accountability

Alrighty folks.

I have spent most of...oh hell...all of my adult life overweight. I'm still overweight. I'll probably always be a bit overweight. As you all know, I'm working on losing weight and getting healthy. I did this triathlon because of my "quarter life crisis" but also because I thought that training would be a great way to lose a couple pounds.

Last year, I joined weight watchers and lost 24 pounds. Between August of last year and mid January this year I gained it all, and a bit more, back. I went back to weight watchers then and was really good for a few weeks and then kind of crapped out. I went back on the last day of March after making my triathlon declamation and starting this blog.

Here's the totally true and terrifying truth...

Starting weight in Jan 2012: 284.2
Of course, I went back to weight watchers. I mean holy shit I was so damn close to 300 pounds I wanted to off myself. Also I hated myself for taking all that time to lose the weight only to gain it back.

Starting weight on March 2012: 278.4
I had lost 5.8 pounds but I wasn't really trying that hard. I was loosely following the program.

So, since March I've trained for and done a super sprint triathlon and I have dropped some weight in the process. Now that I don't have the crazy goal of a tri looming over me, I was afraid that I would take the slippery slope back up towards 3hundo town. So as discussed in my last post, I have started Power 90. The 90 day program that is supposed to get you in shape so you will be able to do harder workouts like p90x (it's done by the same guy- Tony Horton).

Power 90 Day One - September 8th Weigh in: 260.6
As promised, I am posting Day One pictures. They are not flattering at all, but think of how much worse they would have been if I wore a tighter tank top...yuck.

I had some side pictures but they were really blurry so I left them out. As you can see, my arms are fairly big and I keep a lot of my weight in my middle/ass area. But I think what I'm going is going to help, I actually like Power 90. You start on phase 1-2 and its 6 days a week with one day of rest. You alternate cardio/abs (Sweat and Ab Ripper 100) and strength training (Sculpt). It's not the hardest thing I've ever done, but it is challenging. Like Sweat has "Power Yoga" and you are basically in a plank/push up position the whole time and let's face it, push ups are not my thing but I'm trying. Sculpt involves a a lot of regular push ups and I'm also pretty terrible at dips. The Ab Ripper isn't long, but holy crap does my mid section hurt.

As if posting my weight isn't truthy enough, I will tell you I only did 4 days of Power 90 this week, week one. Yes, I couldn't even commit to the 6 days for the first week. I know, I suck. But here's the crazy part, with only doing 4 days of the program instead of the 6 days, I had great results. I can only imagine how good they would have been with 6 days.

Weigh in September 15 (after week 1 of power 90): 256.6 (-4lbs)
That's right. I lost 4 pounds this week! Hooray! This brings my weight loss total to -27.6 pounds!

So I'm pretty happy. I'm so damn close to -30lbs I can taste it. Also -30 was was first goal for my PEH class, and I set myself to achieve it by Sept 29th, so it looks like I might make goal #1 early. I'm also 6.6 pounds away from being closer to 200 than 300 so that will be an awesome feeling.

On Day 30, 60, and 90 I'll post pictures and I'll keep weighing in on Saturdays and blogging my results (or at least try to) on Sundays.

So that's it. Total honesty. Total embarrassment. Total accountability.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New Semester, New Goals

I've been trying to figure out what to do with myself post triathlon. I spent the last week eating a lot of garbage, sliding back to my soda drinking ways, and not doing a whole lot of physical activity.

I am floating along, lost without a goal.

So I guess it's new goal time. I'm actually taking this class at Moraine called "A Healthy Lifestyle and You". If it sounds like a hellish kind of awful to be 25 and taking a health class, it is. Think everything you learned in high school health, but with 50 year old dudes sitting next to you. Also, there are workout units where we will exercise as a class. Just weird. It's a required course for the education program at GSU so taking it, I am.

...Yoda on your asses I went

The part I do like is that you have to make a health related goal for the semester and use the things you learn in class to achieve it. Writing about how and if you achieved your goal is even a part of the final.

I decided to make my goal... wait for it... a weight loss one. I'll pause for you to compose yourself from your obvious shock. I want to lose 25lbs before the semesters over. That would bring my total to 50lbs lost since April. I think 50lbs in one year is a pretty nice loss and I'll be really happy if I can make it.

As we all know, I am the great maker of plans but not so great on the follow through. It'll be good to have my grade being a part of my goal. I also think it'll be good because we had to make 3 short term goals leading up to the big one, creating important re evaluation points.

How do I plan to achieve this goal you may ask? You may not be asking, but I'm going to tell you anyway.

Here's a not so shocking confession, I spent a lot of money on weight loss stuff. Books, videos, "systems", "health" foods, you name it I (most likely) spent too much on it. That being said, I always wanted to be fit enough to try P90x. Of course, I am nowhere near that level of fitness. Quite some time ago I spent some money on the Power 90 dvds. It's the program they put out before and claim it will get you in better shape to be able to actually do p90x. It seems fairly simple and I think the 30 minutes a day is totally doable. Some of the reviews say that it gets a little boring, but I'll definitely give it a solid 30 day try.

In addition to my very beginnery run/walk program, it will be a nice strength/stretching component to my fitness goals. 90 days seems like a long time, but I can do anything for 90 days. Three months is nothing. I know it sounds like a lot, but I'd also like to throw in some swimming and biking for fun. I guess I'll just see where the semester takes me.

To keep up with class, I'm going to blog my progress. I'm also going to post my day 1, 30, 60, and 90 day photos. Holding myself accountable is key to preventing those treacherous back slides. I haven't decided, but I might even post my weight on Saturdays after my weight watchers meetings. I know I've given sufficient evidence for you to sleuth out my actual weight but like I said before, it's hard to really just come out and say it. I guess we'll see how courageous I am Saturday.

Until then dear readers.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Afterglow

I'm not sure if you noticed, dear reader, but my race day recap was lacking in the revelation department. I decided to give myself a few days to really let the fact that I was a triathlete sink in. Like really get all up in my brain and my soul and hope that it would shake me to the core.

As I write this I am in the library in Moraine and I promise you no one is looking to find me shaking with a religious fervor. I really thought becoming a triathlete would be a life changing thing. That I would wake up Monday morning and just feel different. Don't get me wrong, I loved every minute of the race. I felt an amazing sense of accomplishment unlike anything I've ever experienced before crossing that finish line. I guess I just hoped for that feeling to hang around for a while.

I don't know. I really loved the race. It was a lot of fun. I am definitely going to do it again. Next year, I'm going to do the regular sprint and damn it, I'm gonna run the shit out of those 3 miles. Maybe I'll even do more than one? Who knows. I know that the experience, no matter how sleep depriving and stress inducing, was a great one. But am I running out to buy a new tri bike, a complete new lycra wardrobe, and trying to convert others to the life of tri? Not exactly.

Maybe because I took the journey alone? Maybe because I expected my bike time to be so much better than it was? Maybe because I walked 98% of the 2 miles? Maybe because the thing I did best at was the thing I trained the least for? Maybe because I didn't train as much as I should have? Maybe I just had unrealistic expectations? There are so many questions that overwhelm my post race happiness and I curse my stupid over thinking brain. (Pretend I'm shaking my fist at the sky in rage.)

Perhaps I don't give myself enough credit. I know finishing was a big deal. I know I trained for 25 weeks to prepare and that's a hell of a lot more then most people can say. I know that no matter how unchanged I feel, I have actually changed. I guess I just expected to love it so much that the next day I would be planning my training for the next race and just breathing in my new tri lifestyle. While, I would like to, and certainly will, do more triathlons I guess I just won't throw myself into becoming Carrie - super triathlete. I'll just be Carrie - she who is trying to find a healthier life style who enjoys doing triathlons for fun. I would like to find someone to maybe do next year's tri with me. I know I wasn't "alone" because I had an amazingly loving support team in my friends and family, but it was just hard to see so many women in groups or pairs in the race and not feel a little lonely. It would have been nice to share the experience with someone.

I guess I have a motivation problem. I also have a lot of negativity towards myself I really need to let go of, but I guess people just don't change overnight, or even in 25 weeks. I wasn't sure if I was gonna keep blogging after the tri, I mean the next one's a whole year away and no one wants to hear me bitch about how running is hard for a whole year. So I'm thinking that I would like to keep blogging, but instead of a strictly Tri blog, it'll turn into more of a general journey to a healthier me type thing. I really like writing and even if no one reads it, it'll be nice motivation to hold myself accountable, keep me honest, and track my progress.

I didn't include my official results from the race in the last post, so here they are. My "division" was Athena. It is for women who are over 150lbs. I thought it would be less intimidating then going up against my age group. I definitely wasn't last and if you'll notice my swim rank, I swam faster then 138 other gals so that's pretty awesome. Also, comparing my bike time to Bike the Drive (even though I wasn't technically "racing") it took me 35 minutes to ride 7 miles then, and it took me 31 minutes to do 10 miles for the race so that's an improvement. My goal to not be last was first and foremost, but I also wanted to finish before the last swim wave started (check) and be under 1 hour and 30 minutes (check).

I know I haven't been exactly soaringly positive in my post race evaluation, but the feeling of finishing will stick with me forever, even when my enthusiasm might fall away. I'm really proud of myself. I also really loved doing something I never thought I could do. I hope that later in life when I meet someone new and you do that whole "tell me about you" thing I can say, "Oh, and I do a couple triathlons a year... ya know for fun." I think it's time to start figuring out who this post triathlon Carrie is. I hope she's as awesome as I picture her being. I guess we can find out together. Stay tuned folks, the best is yet to come.

                                                                  Clock Time 01:26:53
                                                                  Overall Place 174 / 224
                                                                  Division Place 13 / 16
                                                                  Swim 00:14:59
                                                                  Swimrank 86
                                                                  Trans1 00:04:11
                                                                  Bike 00:31:11
                                                                  Bikerank 173
                                                                  Mph 12.6
                                                                  Trans2 00:02:17
                                                                  Runrank 209
                                                                  Run 00:34:12
                                                                  Pace 00:17:06


Monday, August 27, 2012


Sunday, August 26th: Race Day

So as I said before, I was up around four waiting for my alarm to go off. Finally, it went off and I got up. I took a shower, careful to avoid washing off my sweet body marking. Gathering all my junk, I left the room while sucking down my protein shake. I stopped at the hotel breakfast room and took a banana on my way out also.

I got to the race site and parked way farther away then I needed to. The volunteers weren't down far enough to direct incoming athletes and my spectators got better parking then me.

Entering transition, I was glad that I preplanned my gear/area. Some women had so much stuff I couldn't imagine hauling all that junk back to my car.

My Transition Area
I set up my transition. While juggling my gear I stepped on my banana (still in the peel) and did all sorts of other clumsy things. One of the girls next to me put a balloon on the rack, to help her find her stuff. It's a smart idea and it helped (me) a lot.

I also met a really sweet girl named Kim whose bike was right by mine, and she suggested that I actually improved my banana by stepping on it (it would be easier to digest pre mashed) and since it was her first time racing as well, we kind of stuck together. All too soon it was time to exit transition and wait for the race to start. I was really nervous and apologized in advance to anyone starting near me, just in case I threw up on them.

Flexing for my cheering squad prerace

The asphalt of the parking lot was pretty tough on my feet. Walking barefoot seemed to aggravate my heels but I could barely feel anything but my heart pounding at this point. As we were corralled into the start bay, I spotted my own personal cheering crew and I'm not too proud to admit I started to cry. Not an all out snot nosed crazy cry, but a few nervously excited tears certainly escaped.


Sally Edwards was there as we waded into the water, encouraging us right up to the countdown of our wave. 5...4...3...2...1... and we were off. The swim distance seems much longer laid out in an out and back swim. At the gym, 10 laps in a 25 meter pool isn't that scary. I avoided being pulled under by a fellow racer and managed not to bump into too many people. The wave before us was wearing pink caps and I am happy to report I noticed that I passed a few of them. Before I even had time to think, I was past the turnaround and hitting the beach again. A wonderful angel of a volunteer took my hand as I dragged myself up the beach and she steadied me as I regained my footing. I gingerly trudged toward my bike, getting a high five from my dad.

Leaving for the Bike
I took my time in transition, not that I had much choice. It was hard to keep my balance while standing. I was sprayed the sand off my feet and then put my socks and shoes on. I threw on my race belt (If you ever decide to race, these are awesome. Instead of safety pinning your number to your clothes you attach the number to the belt, clip it on and go), my sunglasses, and my ever important helmet and got my ass in gear. I left the transition area to start the bike and besides the faster cyclists passing me, I found it to be really peaceful. It was a really nice morning and I enjoyed the ride.

Running to the Finish Line

Of course, there was a terrible hill right before the turnaround and I felt like I could have jogged my bike up faster, but I made it in pretty decent time. I got back to the transition, re racked my bike, took off my helmet, and grabbed some water on my way out to the run course. I spent a lot of time walking sorta fast, but I made my tired legs jog a few times using trees as distance gauges. Like, "Okay I'm gonna run from this tree to the next big tree". Once I got to the turn around on the run, I was feeling pretty good. You can see the end of the course from the turn around and it made the distance easier to handle. Kait and Danny were waiting right before the finish and as soon as I saw them I sprinted to the finish line. I yelled at Kait while I passed because she started to cry and I was trying not to. Before you pass over the final mat, you hit a small one that brings your name up on a computer and as you finish, the announcer says your name. As I passed the finish line the announcer said, "Carrie Rader, Evergreen Park's Finest". I was handed a medal and an ice cold bottle of water. I felt amazing, exhausted, and proud all at the same time. I WAS A TRIATHLETE! I FINISHED! All my hard work paid off and I was done.

After the race, there were hugs all around and I just kinda wandered around waiting for my heart to stop racing. Luckily, my wonderful support crew lead me to the "goodie bag" area, the fruit/bagel tent, and then to the Danskin Apparel tent where they bought me a really nice tri t-shirt. We made our way back to the transition area and I gathered up my gear and waited for the volunteers to let us take our bikes out.

Then I realized just how far away I parked and I'm sure between walking back to the transition then my car I added another mile to my day. Back at the hotel, I was given a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my family and I was able to shower before we checked out. The shower was almost as good as the flowers and our post race brunch was really nice too.

All this happened between 4:40am and 11:30am on Sunday morning. Who knew so much awesomeness could happen in such a short time.

My Victory Flowers